Only one can prevail

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King~ Ch 19

Their steeds trotted side by side at the head of the procession, leading the men to the next place of camp.

Henry stole occasional glances at Amice as she rode beside him, her eyes evaluating the landscape for a suitable place to rest. Nightfall would be upon them soon, so they needed to decide quickly.

"I am glad you are here." He said out of the blue, his eyes focused on the road ahead.

"I just wish it was for better reason." She frowned, thinking back to the lonesome boy, stunned and grief stricken.

"Even so, I know the men appreciate your presence."

"Why? I can bring them nothing but words. There is nothing more I can do for them once we are out there, on the field."

"But they will stand beside you. That is a reassurance no words can bring."

She smiled slightly at him. It seemed that war had deepened his understanding, a newfound wisdom within him.

"There." She called to him, pointing to a small gathering of houses in the distance. There was a large clearing nearby, providing enough space for a camp. He nodded to her, before shouting back to his men, informing them that their destination was just over the horizon.


The darkness of night had settled upon the world as the final tents were hammered into place. Fires were lit, and men warmed themselves, laughing and telling tales of wars fought long before their time.

Amice sat with then, laughing and clapping as they playfully wrestled and clapped each other on the back. A few of the men began to sing a folk song, and she hummed along as their spirits grew and rose with the smoke of the fire.

The men continued to dance and cheer as she emptied her cup, glancing around for a place to refill it. Standing from her previous position leaning against a log, she stood her cup on the table, deciding instead to find Henry. He had not joined the festivities, and Amice worried for him. The incident with the boy had ignited a hatred within him. Once that she feared would consume.

She entered his tent to find him leaning over the map once more, moving the wooden pieces about aimlessly. She watched him silently for a long while, until he picked up one of the statuettes and launched it into the ground, a snarl ripping from his throat.

"Henry." She said gently, alerting him of her presence.

His eyes shot up to meet her small figure, barely in the doorway. She saw as his eyes blazed before her, and suddenly she was afraid. She was not afraid for herself, but for him. Vengeance consumed his every thought, and she new the dangers of such a power.

"Walk with me." She said calmly, folding her arms behind her back and exiting the tent before he could argue.

She began to walk away from the camp, to the nearby grouping of houses. Henry jogged to reach her, but quickly fell into stride beside her.

She walked rather slowly, leisurely, almost without purpose.

"Where are we going?" He asked, but she gave no reply as they wandered past the houses. They were all abandoned, derelict and unkept.

"What do you think happened here?" She said after a long while, her eyes scanning each building.

One house at the end of the road was larger than the rest, and seemed in better condition. Amice set course for it, stepping inside as her king followed.

"I do not know." He answered her previous question.

The houses were empty of belongings, only a few lonesome items littered the floor and tables.

The King ~ Timothée ChalametWhere stories live. Discover now