Words start wars

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King~ Ch 11

Amice awoke at the break of dawn despite her lack of rest. She quickly dressed and wandered down to the courtyard. Armed with a sword, she struck down straw targets, expelling her frustration, working her tired muscles.

The morning continued, and it wasn't until the sun began to blaze was Amice interrupted by a squire boy. He was short of breath as he sprinted over, his feet barely gripping on the damp mud. He hunched over when he reached her, sucking in breath after breath, trying to compose himself.

"For goodness sake, speak." She chuckled. But the laugh was hollow as she knew his urgency would not have been unwarranted.


Henry stood in the great hall, surrounded by the screams and commands of advisors. Amice entered from the side door, her hands tucked behind her back, sword swinging at her side. She instantly assessed the situation, the shouting advisors waving their arms violently, the knights, hands upon their swords at the doors, but most importantly, Henry. He was sat perfectly as usual, a grim expression plastered to his boyish face. To everyone else, he looked collected, but Amice could see the small crease of worry in his brow. His fingers gripped the throne and his feet shuffled slightly as is gaze flowed around the room.

She didn't even know where to start. The screaming advisors were not an option, and approaching the king was inappropriate.

So, she drew in a deep breath, her chest expanding before demanding "what is the meaning of this!?" Her tone was hard and authoritative, gaining the majority volume in the room. Everyone, including Henry, turned to look at her.

"There has been an assassination attempt." Announced the man closest to her.

Her brow drew inwards at the news. Why would her intended murder bring discussion to the council?

"And the assailant was dealt with." She replied, her tone sure.

"He sits in a dungeon cell awaiting trail!" Screamed the man, spitting at Amice's claim.

"An attempt on the life of the king, my lady." Explained the squire boy from behind her.

From his seat above the company, Henry watched as Amice stiffened. Her body became turgid and her eyes sharp.

She was far from the frightened and confused girl he had witnessed on the balcony a mere night before. Now, she stood with intent and authority, an aura of rage radiating off of her. Her expression was stern and cold, her brow furrowed in disgust.

Her demeanour was solemn, yet he witnessed the fine lines of worry upon her forehead. Worry that was there no longer for her own life, but for his.

"When?" She asked, her tone low and eerie. Her voice seemed raspy as she fought for control of her anger.

"He confessed this morning." An advisor replied.

"Confessed?" Chocked Amice.

"Yes, he was sent by the king of France to kill our king!"

Once again, shouts erupted from the crowd.

"Behead him!"




The last rung in Amice's ears. A cold chill passed down her spine. She was able to convince Henry of peace in the matters of a toy ball. But now, his life was the toy. The king of France had taken a cowardly move, and his actions would not go unpunished.

"I promised the man asylum, he shall not be harmed." Announced Henry, and Amice's head snapped to him. An honourable move, but an unpredicted one. The room fell silent.

"But what of France?" Asked Amice, already knowing the answer. Henry's glanced briefly over to her, his eyes broken and regretful. But his gaze hurriedly returned to the room.

"We will introduce a kings guard, whose role will be to serve as protectors of the throne." Henry continued, ignoring her.

"Henry." She said again, trying to get his attention.

"The castle patrols will be rethought and-"

"Henry!" She shouted this time, a sharp, dry sound.

Everyone in the room looked at her for addressing the king so informally.

"We shall increase the production of armour and weaponry. Instruct the ships to be amended and readied. Combat training shall intensify, and recruitment letters shall be sent."
His voice was commanding and assertive. It was the cold command of a king.

Amice swallowed deeply, brow furrowed as she awaited his words.

And when they came, her head dropped in dismay.

For when they came, history would be made.

Blood would be spilt.

And death would come knocking.

"As of today, we are at war with France."

The King ~ Timothée ChalametWhere stories live. Discover now