It's over... or is it...

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The end!!

I can't believe how far this story has come! I started it on a whim, but damn I'm glad I did! I have loved every minute of writing it and I wish it didn't have to end :(

I'm really sorry that it didn't end the way many of you, myself included, had hoped. But regretfully, I can't change history so Henry had to marry Catherine, grrrr.

But on one of my recent chapters, it was suggested that I do an alternative ending, and I would be more than happy to do that if you guys would be willing to stick around a little longer to read it? I'm not sure if it'll be part of this book or if I'll introduce a separate one for it, let me know what you guys think??

Anyways, I wanted to finish by thanking you all immensely. First of all, thank you to everyone who has read this book! I have never had so many readers before this is incredible! I'm so happy and exited that you all enjoyed it as I loved this storyline and it's characters so much! Also, thank you so so much for all the votes and wonderful comments, they truly did keep this story alive and I'm so thankful for all the love!

You are all incredible! THANK YOU

I appreciate all of you!! You're amazing!!

Let me know what you think about the other ending options :)

Thanks for sticking around 💗

~ Vicky x

The King ~ Timothée ChalametWhere stories live. Discover now