One final council

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King ~ Ch 28

Amice's already weak knees began to tremble under the terrible weight of the French kings words.

Yes, Henry had won the war. He had conquered, her at his side. And that's how she though they would stay. Side by side. Always.

But she was a fool to ever believe it. A fool to think that a great king would ever place her at his side. After all, duty is the death of love. It is a kings duty to make alliances, to protect his kingdom, guardianship beneath his crown. He must put his people first. And what could Amice give him? She could not bring lands nor armies nor trade routes nor merchandise. She could not give him new power, expand his reach, make him great. She had nothing to give. Nothing.

Her greatest fear was realised. She would never be good enough.

No matter what she did, she would never be more than what she feared being most: terribly and unbelievably ordinary. He was a king, and he was going to leave her behind. No matter how much she made him laugh, how often she gave him advice, how many times she saved his life. It could never compete with the allure of power; it's scent hypnotic.

It was a powerful image. The English crown upon a French throne... French bride beside it.

Amice felt her muscles tighten as her vision darkened, eyelids rapidly closing to try and contain the tears that threatened to spill over. Her breathing lost all rhythm as her heart felt as though it had been pounded inwards. Her chest felt hollow yet it weighted her down, almost causing her to hunch over in blistering agony as her soul was torn in two, the knife of abandonment wretched deep into her stomach.


Her head shot up, eyes searching for his melodic voice, it's power filling the room.

"Excuse me?" Spoke the French king.

"I cannot marry your daughter."

Amice froze. He would give up everything. The alliance, the French succession, the power...

" Pourquoi?!" (Why) came the outraged voice of French royalty.

"I cannot betray my promise to another."

Amice's mind was on fire. She wanted to smile. To run to him, engulf him in her embrace and thank him for not forgetting about her, for not leaving her behind.

Yet her eyes fell once more as she observed the faces of the advisers and knights in the room. Even the English. Their expressions dropped. They had hoped for a peaceful, prosperous resolution. It was being handed to them, and Henry was slapping it away. It was alsmot insulting, frustrating. All these men would have to suffer because of her. She was one person. Yes, she would have died in battle for them. But should they all have to give up everything just for her?

Amice closed her eyes, thinking back to the ride they took to the forest, just the two of them. To their conversation, their fairytale of art and beauty and culture. To their wish. Their wish to run and start anew, to leave everything behind. She wanted it now more than anything. She could see herself, cradling her newborn as Henry smiled beautifully at her, tears of adoration in both their eyes. She could see herself joining in as Henry taught his growing sons to wield a sword, the small children clashing with sticks. A smile found her lips as she imagined having a daughter, her girl. Teaching her to fire a bow, to not kneel for any man. She imagined their small cottage, peacefully tucked away from the ferocity of the world. And finally, she imagined spending her last waking moment beside the man she loved more than she did herself. If she carried on without him, she wouldn't be living, simply existing.

Suddenly, her eyes shot open to meet Catherine's as the princess barely spared her a glance. She truly was beautiful. Powerfully sharp features, a striking attire complementing her fierce eyes. She was the embodiment of regality. Amice could not help herself as she looked down upon her mundane robes. And just like that, the image of her beside Henry washed away like a leaf along a stream. She would never belong beside him. No matter what they both wanted. He deserved someone with something to offer, someone like Catherine. Catherine could bring a new life to his kingdom, to his men. She could guide him, bring peace to both their kingdoms. To bring the peace that Henry had always dreamed of. Amice being beside him would only cause more anguish.

She looked back to the king that she desperately loved, a small smile finding its way to her face. Having him was a blissful dream. And that's all I would ever be.

She should turn now. Leave his life forever. But she knew he would never stop looking for her. She had to tell him. To let him know. To give one final council.

"The king accepts."

The King ~ Timothée ChalametWhere stories live. Discover now