Deadly mastery

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King~ Ch 12

Henry walked out into the courtyard, arms folded behind him. He had finally escaped the tiresome chaos that was the planning of war.

He wanted to speak to Amice, to see what she thought of his decision. Yet he feared her judgment. He feared that she would turn to him in disgust, telling him of the reality that he had brought down upon his kingdom.

She was, as usual, in the training ground, releasing arrow after arrow into a stack of hay. The scarlet arrow tails dazzled in the sunlight as Henry approached, seeking audience with his most trusted friend.

"Amice." He called to her.

"Your grace." She replied, not turning to him. It was unusual for her to return to formalities, and Henry felt a pang of hurt at her bluntness

She was expelling frustration, and he could see that his decision played on her mind.

He was right. Her fingers trembled slightly as she gripped the bow, fighting for control of her emotions. War was a terrible notion, and it hung heavy on her heart. Yet she knew that it was expected of him in this circumstance. But that did not make its taste any less bitter on her tongue.

He watched her for a moment longer, collecting his thoughts.
"I have come to ask something of you." He said, treading carefully. He didn't want to spark up a debate. He was going to war. There was no going back.

"Then ask, your grace." She replied simply, drawing another arrow.

"As you know, we have introduced a kings guard. The best knights, with the best training. Their duty will not only be to protect the king, but also to train the other soldiers in preparation for war."

"A wise choice, your grace." She agreed. Another arrow hit the bullseye.

He weighted his next words carefully. He knew that Amice was struggling. She would not let anyone see it, but royal dealings were beginning to overwhelm her. He was afraid he would push her too far too fast, that she would loose balance and fall, surely taking him with her.
"These men need to be selected, and trained. And they need a leader. That leader shall be you." He spoke. Silence followed his statement and no more arrows met straw.

Henry was still as he watched her: analysing. "Is that a command or a proposal?" Her words shattered the silence, and he was shocked to find her tone playful. A weight fell from his shoulders and he sighed in relief.

She turned to him, placing down her bow, cocking her head.

"Amice, would you do me the honour of leading my kings guard, sworn to protect and serve?" He asked, smiling now too. They stood, facing one another, a comfortable air between them.

"It would be impolite to refuse the king." She replied, bowing in mockery. They shared a slight chuckle. Relief crashed over him in waves, drowning his worry.

His emerald eyes met hers, and he watched as the storm within raged, and once again, he found himself unable to read her.
"A gift." He said, speaking more tenderly now. From behind his cloak, he produced a shining piece of steel.

The sword was clearly newly-forged for the metal glistened in the gleaming sunlight. It's handle was adorned with delicate metalwork; beautiful patters weaved together, intertwining to create a piece of deadly mastery.

Henry held it out to her, and she took it, her eyes not leaving its body. As she looked closer, she could see a crown had been fashioned into the pattern, and through it, was an arrow with a red tail. It was a symbol. A symbol of them, and their... unexpected alliance.

Amice swung the sword slightly. It was light in hand and well balanced: the work of a talented blacksmith.

Looking at the weapon in her hands, the cold touch of it on her skin, she felt one with it.

"But your grace, how can I lead the kings guard if I am not a knight?" She hadn't meant to say it out loud. She had intended to take her blessings without question, but when her eyes found Henry's she saw only amusement and awe.

"Kneel." The command was formal yet his tone was sweet. It was almost as though he felt a sense of pride in his next actions. Nobody had ever seen her like Henry had, and she smiled as she knelt slowly, holding her sword before her, face down into the ground.

"I, King Henry fifth of his name, deem that as of this day, you shall be a knight of the great kingdom of England." He unsheathed his sword, touching it to both of her shoulders. "Now rise, Sir Amice of the kingsgaurd."

Amice rose with her head held high, pride radiating off of her.

They smiled at one another once more.

"I apologise for the lack of ceremony." He joked.

"Yes, the lack of wine truly is upsetting." She grinned in return.

"Tomorrow, you must start to train the men. In 5 weeks, we leave for France." He gave his first order to his new protector. The air between them suddenly changed. It become stiff with command, and the dense feeling rugged in their lungs.

"In 5 weeks you leave for France." She corrected, and his eyebrows furrowed.

"I am grateful for everything you have done for me. What you have taught me, the things you have allowed me to be a part of. They have truly changed me, forever. But I cannot go with you. I will not watch as your men are cut down. I will not watch as they bleed for you. I will not watch you die for your pride." The words were cold, but they were beyond raw. She could not tell him that she could not bear to see him fall. That she feared for him, perhaps more than she should.

He stared at her, bewildered, and she turned and exited the courtyard, her new sword at her side.

The King ~ Timothée ChalametWhere stories live. Discover now