As you wish

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King~ Ch. 5

When Henry returned to his seat, he was surprised to find Amice absent. He turned to the advisor that was situated beside her previous seat.

"Do you know where the Lady is?"

"Yes your grace, she informed me that she would be leaving as soon as possible." He replied curtly.

Henry was out of his seat in an instant.

"Your majesty, you must stay until the feast is over!" Explained the advisor but Henry brushed him off with a wave of his hand as he hurried from the hall and through the castle, finally arriving at Amice's door.

He knocked loudly, but when he received no reply, he strayed inside. There, he found her dress discarded, the fabric torn.

"Amice!" He called out, whipping his head around the room, trying to find any trace of her.

"Not so loud." Spoke a voice from behind him, and he sighed in relief as Amice entered the room, her bow and arrows in hand. She wore the same thing she had when she first arrived at the castle. She dropped them onto the floor, before turning to face Henry.

"Thought I'd help myself to a few additional arrow heads, I'm sure you won't miss them an awful lot

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"Thought I'd help myself to a few additional arrow heads, I'm sure you won't miss them an awful lot." She smirked, and he smiled thinly in reply.

"You are leaving." He said. It was not a question.

"You invited me to stay one night, nothing more." She replied diplomatically and his shoulders dropped.

"Why did you leave the feast?" He changed the subject swiftly.

"I was full." She said quickly, but glanced away from him, unable to tell him the truth.

"You are lying." He stated solemnly.

"So what if I am?" She suddenly snapped, picking up her quiver, bow and cloak.

"It was a pleasure to be in your company sire, however I fear I have overstayed my welcome." She said formally, beginning to walk past him. His hand shot out to stop her, similarly to how hers had to him the night before.


She did so.

"Please stay. Whatever has happened, I apologise if it has disheartened you, but I have greatly enjoyed your company over this past day. Please, if you are able, stay. You are welcome here as long as you like." He said, honesty resounding in his voice. Amice observed him carefully. She could see the pleading desperation in his eyes as he dropped his hand from her arm.

She stood silently, considering the offer. Had she not encountered the cruel advisor, she would have left. She felt oddly content in the Kings company and it worried her, knowing that people would soon talk and that she could not been seen anywhere beside him. But she had realised that Henry was much more than she had ever anticipated. She wanted to know more, and she wanted to stay true to her word~ 'So long as he desires that I stay by his side, so be it.'

"I'll stay." She said simply, once again placing down her bow and quiver. When she tuned back to him, he was smiling.

"No maids, no gowns and certainly no 'My Lady'." She said sternly, but her lip twitched with a smile.

"As you wish." He replied, smiling back at her, before nodding and exiting her room, closing the door behind him on the way out.

The King ~ Timothée ChalametWhere stories live. Discover now