Some things were not meant for a king

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King~ Ch. 4

Henry sat at the grandest table in the great hall as music filled the usually silent space. Long tables had been arranged around the length of the room, each hosting an array of spectacular food and drink. Men chatted drunkenly over large portions of meat and wine, some clapping along to the happy tunes playing around them.

The long table at which the King was situated was draped with men of authority, each in their assigned seat. However, one seat remained empty.

Henry tapped his foot irritably beneath the table, wondering where Amice was. Had she not liked the gown he had sent? Had she reconsidered his invitation? Had she been denied entry to the hall despite being the guest of honour?

 Had she not liked the gown he had sent? Had she reconsidered his invitation? Had she been denied entry to the hall despite being the guest of honour?

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The feast had been running for several hours now, and the majority of the food had been eaten, so he worried for her.

He had been glancing back at the doors throughout the evening, awaiting her arrival which never came. He could barely focus on the mediocre conversation that surrounded him, finding it dull in comparison to her wise quips. He stared into his chalice, the last few droplets of wine remaining, before hurriedly emptying it.

His ears pricked slightly as the tempo of the music quickened, yet he continued to stare at his plate, the food uneaten.

Only when he heard cheers and clapping along to the music did he look up. And he was met with quite the sight. Several of the men in the room had begun to dance in the centre; a folk dance known in the city.

They had formed a circle around the lead for the dance as was usually permitted, and thanks to his raised seating Henry could see them clearly.

Amice danced with a glee on her face, one hand holding up her dress, the other linked with a gentleman's as they span in the centre of the crowd. They both switched arms and span the other way, skipping joyously, before the partner traded off. Henry could see the people around her cheering and laughing, enjoying themselves. He saw the way that they looked at her and took her lead, and her words rang in his mind: "I see you."

He now knew what she meant by people and their adoration

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He now knew what she meant by people and their adoration. About how they were not pawns. They were all worth the same.

He watched as she continued to twirl and jump happily, noticing that she had altered the grand gown he had gifted her to make it smaller and more comfortable. Perfect for her.

The King ~ Timothée ChalametWhere stories live. Discover now