Everything he loved most

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King ~ Ch 29

"The king accepts."

Everyone's eyes were on her after she spoke. She stood tall once more, back straight, hands tucked respectfully behind it. A powerful stance. Yet the words were like fire on her tongue as she spoke them, the bitter sting of fate licking at her, tempting her to stop, to be selfish. She could have it all if she wanted it. Henry, a crown, a throne, a kingdom. But she knew. She couldn't. It was not her place to be beside him. It never was.

Henrys eyes found her instantly. His expression held such a hope, such a relief, such absolute devotion. To him she looked magnificent as ever. Once again, she had defied every law that tried to bind her, even death. She had put it on its ass. Yet as he let her words sink in, a pained expression found his features.

Amice was struck at the sight of his face. He seemed as though he had neglected eating, his features pale and cheeks slightly sunken in. His hair was shaped neatly, freshly cut, and his eyes were missing their fire. Until they met hers. Every small change she saw, she knew nobody else would notice. He was hurting. She knew it in an instant. Hurting because of her.

Amice didn't want to marry him? She wanted him to be with Catherine? To have the princess beside him, bearing his children, sharing his crown? Did she not want him? Had she seen something in death that had changed her? He could not bear it. He could not have her taken away from him. He wouldn't allow it.

"Amice." He spoke, his voice guarded and careful, almost questioning. He stood from his chair, gesturing for her to follow him. "A word?" His tone was once more commanding, yet she knew it was all for show.

All she returned was a curt nod as she turned to the door beside her, Henry striding over to exit the room at her side, his hand softly falling at the small of her back.

When they exited the chamber, they instantly fell into step as they moved out of earshot to a small hallway. It was tight, and there was barely a space between their chests.

"Amice..." Henry breathed in a sign as he brought his hand up to brush along her cheek. His touch was gentle and soft, and she leant into him, contently closing her eyes. His voice soothed her, his touch contrasting it by brining a blaze to her skin.
"I can't believe you're here with me." He whispered.

Her mouth felt dry. She didn't know what to say. She wanted to tell him how deeply she loved him, how much she wanted to never leave his side. She wanted to kiss him, to show him how he made her feel.

But she knew if she did, she would never be able to let go.

And she had to let go.

"You must marry Catherine." She spoke, taking his hand and moving it away from her cheek, her eyes hardening.

"What?" He was stunned. There she was, back from the grave, finally at his side once more... telling him or leave her?

"You must." Her tone was stern, commanding.

"I cannot. I will not." He returned her ferocity.

"She can bring your kingdom what it needs. She can bring you the peace you sought for. The peace that your men died for. Don't let it be in vain." She tried to reason.

"But what about me? I fought for it. I was always at their side. What about you? You fought for it! Hell, you almost died for it! And now you're standing here, telling me that I won a victory for my crown but it's going to cost me the thing I love most in the world? No! I won't lose you Amice! Not again!" He was desperate, his hands clutching at the tops of her arms. She wanted to flinch at the pain that his touch caused, yet she could not bare to move away from him.

"I know Henry. But you are not just a solider. Not just an ordinary face in the crowd. You never were. You are a king, the king. You have a duty to your kingdom, you know you do. You cannot be selfish, not now. These men gave up everything to follow you. They believed in you. Do not let them down now. You must do what is best for the people, for England." She gave him a sad smile.

"I- I can't. I can't pretend to love another woman Amice. I can't pretend to be happy with her beside me. I will long for you. It will kill me to do it Amice." He begged, hoping she would see. But his heart blazed with morality. He knew she was right. She always was.

"What if I told you I didn't want it? I didn't want to marry you. I didn't want you... I didn't love you." She spat, her tone sharp, trying to pull away from his grasp. Perhaps if he believed she didn't want him, he would be able to move on.

"I would call you a liar." He gave her a weak smile, knowing what she was trying to do. He knew her too well.

"Henry. You know. We cannot have the life that we dreamt of. We will never share the world out there. It is not ours to have. You must listen to me. I know you feel it too. That I cannot be at your side, nor you at mine. We were dealt a cruel hand. You need to think about them. Not me. Not even you. Please Henry. Please." It was her hand that found his face this time, softly begging him to consider what she was saying. That this was bigger than the both of them, greater than even two bound souls. It was about duty, and England.

Henry placed his hand atop of hers on his cheek, gently threading his fingers between her small ones.

"I don't know if I can do it without you Amice." He said, but the cold sting of realisation had long set in. She couldn't be his.

"You can Henry. You are stronger than you know. Wiser, braver, kinder. You care for your people. And you will always do what is best for them. That's what makes you you Henry. Not the crown nor the title. Your deeds make you. Your love, your good heart, your dedication to peace. You are an incredible king. Please, never belittle that." She smiled softly at him, and he returned it.

His eyes searched hers, seeing nothing but truth and love within them. She had taught him so much. He would carry it with him. Always.

His movements were slow as he brought his hands up to cup her face, guiding her closer to him. With every ounce of restraint in his body, he placed a careful kiss upon her forehead, his composure threatening to break as she sighed longingly at the gesture.

When he pulled back, he let his eyes blaze into hers, before releasing her completely.

And there it was. The farewell to their love. He would never hold her in his arms again. He had let her go.

Before he could stop himself, he turned away from her, walking back down the small hallway.

"How does that crown feel now?" She joked, a sad smile adorning her lips, tears streaming down her face as she tried not to fall apart.

He stopped at the end of the hallway at her words. His heart was ablaze and he was fighting to keep his tears at bay. He would give the crown up a thousand times for her. But he could not. And so, he remained turned away from her, taking a breath before resuming his stride away from everything he loved most.

The King ~ Timothée ChalametWhere stories live. Discover now