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The man is handsome. Extremely. His hair is a dark brown that matches his eyes and his skin is honey-coloured. Bold, defined eyebrows sit above his large eyes and his lips naturally turn down into a pout. He is quite tall, especially compared to Jimin and me. He is dressed in black slacks, a matching blazer, a white dress shirt and a loosened tie hangs around his neck. This is my master.

"What the fuck is this?" the man demands, pointing an accusatory finger between Jimin and I.

"Ah, I didn't know you were gonna come home early today. I was gonna have her hide and sur--"

"Jimin!" the man interrupts in a stern voice. Jimin closes his mouth and folds his hands in front of himself meekly. The brunette tosses the briefcase he had been holding onto one of the counters in the kitchen before crossing his arms, raising a brow. "Well?"

"C-Can we sit down to talk? Let me ex--"

"Explain now."

Jimin sighs defeatedly and runs a hand down his face. "I brought you this. It's a SU."

The man's eyes widen and he stares at his friend incredulously. The surprise is gone as quickly as it appeared and he is back to looking annoyed.

"Do you know how expensive these things are?"

"Of course I do! I bought it," Jimin replies in a snippy tone, the irritation finally getting to him. "The money for it came out of my savings for the shop renovations, by the way. You better put this to good use."

"No, I'll give you the money back and we're returning it."

"I don't want money. Please don't do this."

The brunette digs around in his briefcase before pulling out a cheque book. "How much was it?"

"Didn't you hear me!? I don't want your money!"

"Well I don't want that. I swear, it's like you're trying to torture me! Why the fuck does it look exactly like her!?"

Jimin's gaze softens. "Taehyungie, I didn't mean--"

"It looks like her--I'm not keeping it. End of story. Now how much?"

"Just listen--"

"Please don't get mad at Jimin, master. He is only trying to look out for you." I decide to finally speak up. I don't want master and his best friend to keep fighting, especially when it's over me. It'll tear them apart.

Master looks at me quizzically before turning back to Jimin, beckoning him with a finger. "I need to talk to you privately."

Jimin follows master out of the room sluggishly, the two walking down the hall and into master's bedroom. I don't move from my spot but I decide to heighten my auditory sensors to make sure they aren't going to continue arguing.

"Why are you doing this!? First the psychologist and now this? When will it be enough!?" master whisper-shouts.

"The psychologist clearly isn't enough, Tae-Tae. That's why I decided to resort to this. Trust me, these things get great reviews. I can't always be around to keep an eye on you but this thing can," Jimin replies in a hushed tone.

"So now I'm unstable? A child that needs to be supervised?" master asks, sounding offended.

"Taehyung, we both know you aren't in the right state of mind. I heard that you were asking if the psychiatrist could give you sleeping pills. You already have your medication, why do you want more?"

"It isn't enough to knock me out."

"What you've been given is a good enough dose. If you take anymore you'll be risking your life, Tae-Tae," Jimin says tenderly.

The Unexpectedness of Life || Taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now