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Never in my life would I have ever imagined that I'd see my master in such a distressed state. His bottom lip is raw due to incessant nibbling, his leg is bouncing uncontrollably, his eyes are practically shaking--and we haven't even stepped foot in the facility yet. I don't have to be a mind reader to tell that he's clearly regretting his decision to bring me along.

"If it makes you feel better, I can stay in the car," I say softly.

Taehyung shakes his head lightly before looking over at me. "It doesn't matter. It's not like you're gonna actually come into the room with me--you'll just be in the waiting room." He averts his eyes, looking straight ahead again. "I just don't like coming here. And with you here I just...I'm afraid."

"Afraid of what?" I ask.

"Afraid of being judged, I guess," he shrugs. "Being here probably makes you realize how unstable I really am."

"Taehyung, I have never thought that about you and never will. Going into that building isn't gonna change anything," I say firmly.

"That's what you say now," he mumbles. The car door is opened and then he climbs out. "C'mon, let's just get this over with."

I chase after Taehyung through the parking lot and into the facility. The complex has four floors and Taehyung's sessions take place on the third so we get into the elevator. The anxious aura he's emitting is just as strong as it was in the car but, surprisingly, it doesn't seem like it's getting worse. What's even more shocking is how at ease he appears to be. In the car, the heterochromatic-haired man had been showing signs of clear perturbation, a total wreck. But now he's leaning up against the wall of the elevator with a relaxed expression, hands in his pant pockets in a nonchalant way. In a way, it's almost attra--

"As I said in the car, you'll be out in the waiting room the whole time I'm doing my thing. The sessions are forty-five minutes so it might be a bit boring while you're waiting but they've got stuff that you can busy yourself with," Taehyung explains just as the elevator reaches the third floor.

"Ah, okay," I reply eloquently. What the hell was I thinking before? That's crossing way too many lines and boundaries. How unprofessional of me. Am I malfunctioning?

Taehyung leads me down a hall and into what looks like a lobby or waiting area. There's a secretary sitting behind a desk in front of us and off to the right is an area with chairs strategically placed close to the walls and such. On one of the walls, there's a TV currently displaying a news channel. Off to the corner, there's a trolley carrying a few community tablets--must be what my master was talking about when he said there was stuff I could busy myself with.

Distantly, I recognize Taehyung asking the secretary about some Dr. Lee. She tells him to take a seat while the person in question prepares. So the man and I go over and sit down in the designated area. There are two other people besides us, both sitting apart and far away. I notice the way Taehyung's leg has begun to bounce again, albeit less intensely than when he was in the car. I place a hand on his knee, trying to convey my reassurance through the touch. In response, he exhales heavily and sinks into the seat.

"Sorry. I've been told it's distracting and can be annoying," Taehyung mumbles.

"No need to apologize. I understand that you're feeling a bit stressed and can't help yourself. I don't find it aggravating or anything, though."

The heterochromatic-haired man hums lowly and says no more. Two minutes and thirty-three seconds later, the secretary is calling out Taehyung's name, telling him that Dr. Lee is ready. I quietly wish him luck before he stands up and leaves, walking past the desk and down a hall. Sighing softly, I look around the room to find something to occupy my mind. I find myself engaged in the news program for a bit but quickly grow bored. The next forty-three minutes or so are going to be a lot more painful than I'd like to admit. It's so easy for a human to become immersed in something for a long period of time. But for me, an AI, my brain--cue air quotes--is constantly working and doesn't allow me to focus on one activity for too long; I need to be thinking about multiple things at a time, to be aware of everything.

The Unexpectedness of Life || Taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now