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When it's 7:34 on a Tuesday evening and Taehyung has yet to come home or even call me, I'm starting to get worried. Well, that's a bit of an understatement--I'm practically creating a permanent track in the hardwood of the living room from my constant pacing. But I can't help it! My mind just immediately goes to the worst possible scenario, which certainly isn't helping my anxious state. At this point, I'm debating whether I should call Jimin or something, even if it's just so I can get some reassurance or have him tell me to man up.

Dinner has been long forgotten, the finished product sitting on the counter beside the stove. Honestly, I wonder if I should just wrap it up and put it in the fridge. I mean, will we actually be eating it tonight? It certainly doesn't seem that way as of right now.

On the spur of the moment, I rush over to the kitchen and find some containers, shovelling the now-cold food into them and sealing the Tupperwares before tossing them in the fridge. Then I glide back into the living room, nervously pace around for two minutes, and run to the breakfast bar where the landline phone is kept. I search through the digital phone book until I find Jimin's name, thumb hovering over the call button.

As if the gods above finally decided to have mercy on my poor soul, the door is suddenly being swung open, slamming into the wall harshly in the process. I drop the phone in my hands and stick my head around the wall hiding me from the intruder.

"Where the hell have you been?" I demand in a frantic voice, glaring at the brunette expectantly.

The man rolls his eyes and closes the door, toeing off his shoes and stumbling around a bit in the process. Once he's rid himself of them, he trudges down the small entryway and completely bypasses me. Eye twitching in slight annoyance, I whip around on the spot and grab the man by his shoulder, spinning him around so he's facing me.

"Where were you?" I repeat through gritted teeth.

"Jesus, last time I checked we weren't married," Taehyung huffs, turning back around and walking over to the couch.

I stalk over to him, scowling down at the man who is now lounging on the piece of furniture. "Do you have any idea how worried I was? You could've at least called to let me know you hadn't been kidnapped or weren't dying in some trashy alley."

"How you come up with these scenarios, I will never know," he says, words coming out slightly slurred. In fact, to any other person, it probably wouldn't have been discernible.

"Are you..." I lean down so that our faces are inches apart and inhale deeply, pulling back once I get a hint of something alcoholic. "Were you drinking?"

"Just a bit," the man shrugs.

"And you drove home like this?"

"Yes, and?"

"Are you insane!?" I explode, throwing my hands up into the air. "Do you know how dangerous that is!? You should've called me and I would've come and got you!"

"Phoenix, shut up," Taehyung rumbles, gaze now hardened. "I'm not even drunk. If you want to give it a name, I'd say I'm tipsy--
slightly buzzed, if you will. I'm perfectly okay with driving like this. I'm not stupid enough to get hammered before operating a vehicle. Now would you stop overreacting and take a fucking chill pill?"

Rather than snapping at him like I so desperately want to, I take in a deep breath and try to calm my racing heart. Getting into a fight isn't going to solve anything, that's what my logical and reasonable side is telling me at least. I lower myself down onto the couch, sitting on the perpendicular portion. Now that I've calmed down considerably, Taehyung allows himself to relax again.

The Unexpectedness of Life || Taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now