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I awake the next morning to silence. The time is 10:23, probably close to when Taehyung will wake up. At least I hope so, otherwise it's still going to be eerily quiet for awhile longer. I climb out of the bed and walk out of the room. Taehyung's door is still closed, no sound coming from behind it. He shouldn't sleep the whole day away but I'm not going to wake him up myself directly. Perhaps I could make breakfast and the smell will lure him out of his room. I sure hope it does, at least, because if not the food is gonna get cold.

I walk over to the kitchen and search through the fridge. He has a few eggs, some bread and sausage, all of which I decide to use. I don't know what kind of eggs he usually likes to have so I decide to go with scrambled to be safe. I toast the bread and put butter on it but also make sure to check the cupboards and find jam just in case that's what he usually uses. I wonder if I should make coffee too. Taehyung seems like the type that would have it but, again, I don't know the kind he likes. I could always brew it and let him add whatever he likes himself.

"You're working hard already."

Taehyung walks over to the bar groggily and takes a seat, rubbing at his eyes. He yawns and smacks his lips a few times, staring at me with eyes still glazed over with sleep.

"I thought it would be good to make you breakfast. I hope you're okay with that." Taehyung hums with a nod. "I wasn't sure if I should brew some coffee too. Do you want some?"

"Yeah, I'll get it," the brunette replies, voice deep, and walks over to where the coffee maker is. After observing him more closely, I conclude that Taehyung must've just rolled out of bed, if the many strands of hair sticking up at awkward angles were anything to go by.

"How do you usually have your eggs? Just so I know for next time."

"Honestly, I'll take what I get. Normally I just have coffee and something light in the morning," he answers. "Usually fruit, maybe a granola bar if I have them."

"Do you want me to make your breakfast every morning? We'd need to go and buy more ingredients first, though," I offer.

Taehyung furrows his brows before realization dawns on him. "Right. For some reason, I thought you'd only be here for the weekend." He sighs and scratches at the back of his head. "Well, I don't really have a whole lot of time in the morning to eat so I'll pass."

"I could make something that's easy to take with you. Bagel? Milkshake? Smoothie? Muffin?"

"You can do all of that? Even a muffin?" Taehyung asks, looking surprised. I'm filled with pride at the thought of impressing my master.

"Of course! Would you like that?"

"No, no, it's all good. I'll just stick with my coffee," he declines.

I frown and focus back on the breakfast in front of me. I had been hoping he would agree, especially to the muffin. Some people just don't like eating breakfast, I suppose. And getting into an argument about this won't be helpful, it'll just ruin this relationship I am so desperately trying to build.

"I...I guess if you really wanted to you could make something. A milkshake or smoothie would be easiest to take," the brunette says hesitantly, sounding somewhat abashed.

I glance over at him, grinning, but Taehyung tries to avoid my eyes, focusing on the coffee pot being filled. I look back to the eggs and sausage, feeling giddy.

"I can certainly do that. Is there anything in particular you want?" I inquire, trying not to sound too enthusiastic.

"I'll leave the decision up to you. I'm not too picky."

The Unexpectedness of Life || Taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now