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"Hey, it's me. Don't worry about dinner tonight, I'm gonna buy take-out. Some important business deal was approved and it calls for a celebration I guess."

I've replayed the message four times now.

I'm beyond ecstatic by hearing the news, but that's exactly why I can't help but feel dejected by the fact he's going out for food. It's not like I'm surprised that he and his colleagues are going out to celebrate--it's only natural for them to do so after accomplishing something so big. I just wish I could've celebrated with him. Taehyung is my master and so I want to be there for all his moments of triumph and success. Of course, he doesn't feel the same way as I do; I'm just a robot to him. Another part of me worries about him going out on a Tuesday night. What if he gets hammered and wakes up tomorrow with a head-splitting hangover? It'll put him in a terrible mood and I certainly don't want to deal with an irascible Taehyung. But I do think it would be good for him to go out and enjoy life a little, to hang out with his coworkers and have some fun.

"It's gonna be a lonely night for me," I mumble to myself.

Taehyung is the only one who actually needs to eat so now I've got an extra unwanted hour to myself. It's not like there's any work that needs to be done around the house, so what should I do? Maybe I could watch that sad movie for the third time. Or maybe it's about time I try one of the other ones available. Yeah, that's what I'll do.

I glance at the digital clock that displays on the television once I turn it on. 5:24 it reads, the colon blinking at me like two eyes with every second that passes. Since he's going out for dinner, I should expect Taehyung to be home quite a bit later. If he's smart, then maybe before ten? That would give me approximately four hours. But if he stays out longer, let's say until midnight, then that would give me around seven hours. I really hope it's not the latter because I don't know if I can watch movies for seven hours straight. For a human it might not seem like such a difficult task, but for an AI who's programmed to be constantly working? It's not ideal.

I go to the streaming service app and scan through the recently watched movies. All are equally as depressing which certainly doesn't make choosing one an easy task. One is catching my eye--it's the only one where one of the main characters doesn't seem to be suffering from a terminal illness. Perhaps it won't be as sad? I know I'm going to be proven wrong when a man gets hit by a motorcycle two minutes into the movie.

I manage to make it to the nine minutes and thirty-nine seconds mark when the door is suddenly being opened. I pause the movie and stand from my seat, dumbfounded when Taehyung rounds the corner with plastic bags in his hands.

"You've got twelve rolls to eat, plus a salad and a miso soup, so I hope you can handle eating a lot. The maki set is one of the smallest things this restaurant makes so I got it to be safe but you're free to take some of my food, too," Taehyung says, setting the bags down on the counter.

"W-What are you doing here?" I ask.

The brunette turns to me with a raised eyebrow. "Uh, bringing home food?"

"I thought you were going out to eat take-out?"

"I said I was gonna buy it. My plan was to bring it back."

I scratch the back of my head, trying to make sense of the situation. "You said it was an important deal that was approved, right? Wouldn't your colleagues wanna go out and, I don't know, buy drinks or something?"

"Yeah, they all went out to a bar close to our head office. I get along with all of them but I wouldn't consider us close enough to party together. So normally I just congratulate everyone while I'm still at work and then go home. Plus, this stuff always tends to happen in the middle of the week for some reason and I really don't feel like staying out 'til midnight on a Tuesday, drinking for hours straight. Not that it would make a difference if they went on a Friday." Taehyung narrows his eyes suspiciously. "Why are you acting strange? Were you planning on having weird, kinky robot sex with someone?"

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