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Monday is hard. I had gotten so used to being around Taehyung I forgot he would have to disappear for the whole day due to his work. I woke up at 6:05 in the morning so that I could make him a quick smoothie, which he took gratuitously, much to my surprise. It's now 3:28 in the afternoon and I have done absolutely nothing the entire day. After Taehyung left, I started off my day by looking around the house, still trying to get accustomed to it and memorize where everything is. However, I already did a pretty good job of that over the weekend so it didn't last nearly as long as I hoped it would.

There's only one room I know nothing about and that's Taehyung's office. The room is always locked, though, so I won't be getting in there anytime soon. Part of me wonders if he'll ever let me in there. I wouldn't hold it against him if he doesn't. I can tell the room is special to him and probably is the only one in the apartment that reflects his personality. If I could go inside, I'd probably come out feeling like I understand Taehyung a lot better.

My next go-to would've been to start cleaning but Taehyung already likes to keep his home spotless. With few options left, I decided to explore the entire apartment complex. Yesterday Taehyung had gifted me with an extra keycard to get into the room and told me the pin password. Now I could leave the house whenever I wanted and wouldn't be locked out.

My adventure wasn't the most enjoyable, especially not when one of the security guards thought I was a trespasser and threatened to call the police. Taehyung, being the smart master he is, anticipated this and had given me a card to give to the security guards if I ever find myself in such a situation. Whatever it was convinced the man I was Taehyung's property so he left me alone.

As I familiarized myself with the area, I discovered that the building contains a gym, a restaurant, a spa, an indoor pool, an outdoor pool and a park-like area in the back. The place is quite incredible and only emphasizes the amount of wealth the brunette must have if he can afford to live in such a lavish complex.

This was only able to keep me busy for an hour and twelve minutes, so I went back home and watched a movie. It was the most recently watched one, according to the streaming service, and I was surprised Taehyung had watched it. The story was about a boy and a girl who were both in a hospital, suffering from an awful disease that forced them to stay apart. As an SU unit, I didn't feel anything in particular while watching this movie but I could tell it is supposed to evoke sadness from the audience. Taehyung doesn't seem like the type of person who would want to watch something this depressing so I found myself in a state of confusion once the film was over.

When I looked through all the recently watched movies, I found that there weren't too many but they're all sad in the sense that the movie ends with one of the main characters dying. Why would he want to watch these?

I'm torn from my thoughts when the door is suddenly opened and slammed shut, startling me and causing me to jump out of my seat. The moment I turn around is when Taehyung comes around the corner, an irritated expression plastered on his face. He notices me and stumbles over his feet, a look of panic crossing over his features as he grabs onto the nearby wall. The sudden fright leaves his body with a sigh and he shakes his head.

"I'm not used to coming home to someone," he mumbles, rubbing his face.

"How was work?" I ask hesitantly as he walks down the hall, brows furrowed in annoyance again.

"Peachy. No one knows how to do their fucking jobs so I'm the one that gets yelled at by the higher-ups. Not that I expected anything different when it's a fucking Monday. Still pisses me off, though," he shouts in response from his bedroom.

I bite my lip, feeling a wave of disappointment wash over me. It's unfair that Taehyung has to take responsibility for the mistakes of those incompetent people. His stress levels must be through the roof.

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