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Warning: misuse of prescribed medication/substance abuse

Sometimes life doesn't go as expected. This will vary along a spectrum. One might lose their job, a relationship might not pan out the way they wanted, they could get involved in a serious accident that leaves behind scars, both mentally and/or physically. It can even be as extreme as death, whether it be intentional, accidental, or the result of a lifelong illness.

Walking into the bathroom, I wasn't prepared for the scene I was suddenly faced with. All I could focus on was my master lying down on his side in the middle of the floor, breathing coming out laboured. I distantly recognized the multiple capsules littering the floor around his body, including the dreadful clear one I hadn't planned on ever seeing again. My focus, however, was on the man on the ground and figuring out what to do to save him.

I immediately make an emergency call, telling whoever it is on the other end of the phone my current predicament and providing the address of my master's home. Then I drop to the floor and pull the nearly unconscious man close to me, resting his head in my lap and staring down at him through blurred vision.

I delicately trace my fingers along the lines of his face, whispering comforting words to him about everything being okay and that help was on the way. He's staring straight up at the ceiling, a faraway look in his eyes. His breaths are becoming more and more shallow which only causes my anxiety to triple. I tell him to keep holding on--plead for him to wait until help arrives. Water droplets fall onto his face and I'm bewildered for a moment until I realize they're coming from me. I'm not even sure when I started crying, maybe during the phone call.

I've never seen him look this pale before, it's absolutely petrifying. His face actually looks gray, there are dark circles around his eyes and his lips are extremely chapped. By now, his eyes are completely glazed over. His chest is barely rising and falling due to how faint his breathing is.

Yet, despite these circumstances, I've never seen my master look happier. He smiles brightly, relieved, staring up at something not visible to me. Suddenly, he weakly raises a hand as if he were reaching out to something--someone. A girl's name falls from his lips, an unfamiliar one, before he says in a barely audibly voice, a smile still stretched across his face, "I'll see you soon, my love."

There are two roles to be played in life: the victim and the aid. Their paths intertwine and overlap continuously--one cannot live without the other as their purposes are directly related. The victim strives to become free. It is the aid's duty to assist in this long and tiresome journey and save them. Once the victim accomplishes their goal, both roles are rewarded for their efforts.

I was an aid...but I failed to save my victim.

The Unexpectedness of Life || Taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now