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Just as promised, I wake up early in the morning to drive Jimin to work. The bakery opens at nine and it normally takes thirty minutes to get to Jimin's home from Taehyung's. The bakery is apparently about a fifteen-minute drive from his house which means it'd normally take about forty-five minutes. However, we need to account for rush hour so I decided it would be safe to say it could take almost an hour to get there. Jimin also adamantly told me last night that he needed to take a shower this morning because he didn't want to smell like a drunk. I figured it would be better for me to wake up at the same time as him.

So now I'm currently in the kitchen making two smoothies at 7:30 in the morning. Taehyung doesn't need to go to work until ten today so he'll probably be asleep for a while longer. I leave his smoothie in the fridge and put a note on his door telling him to make sure he grabs it on his way out.

"Are you ready to go?" I ask Jimin the moment he appears in the kitchen.

His hair is mostly dry so I assume he just used a towel. His clothes from yesterday are folded neatly and tucked under his arm. Taehyung decided last night to lend him some dress pants and a white, button-down shirt to wear today so that Jimin wouldn't need to use the same clothing two days in a row. Given Taehyung's larger build, the clothes are a bit baggy on Jimin but he doesn't seem to mind. The pants are rolled up so that he's not walking on them with each step and his shirt sleeves are pushed up to his elbows.

"Yeah I think so," he replies, eyeing the smoothie in my hand. "What's that? I didn't think you needed food. Or did Taehyungie say it freaks him out if you don't eat?"

"I eat dinner with him but that's about it." I present the soft drink to the gray-haired man. "This is your breakfast."

"You really didn't have to," Jimin chuckles bashfully, accepting the gift.

"Nonsense! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, as they say. But anyways, now that everything's done I guess we should get you off to work."

We exit the apartment and I make sure to lock the door on my way out. The baker is quite noticeably tired and doesn't say much while we're in the elevator or passing through the lobby. He leads me to where he parked and gives me the keys. Once we're both inside the vehicle, I catch sight of the odd way he's blinking. He squeezes his eyes shut tightly and opens them as wide as he can. I can barely hold back the giggle threatening to escape me. He's so cute.

"Y'know, if you're tired feel free to take a nap," I mention.

Jimin whips his head around to stare at me, visibly appalled. "That would be so rude!"

"Not at all," I reassure with a laugh. "I don't want you to go to work struggling to keep your eyes open. You'll worry your customers. Just allow yourself some extra sleep and I'll let you know when we're getting close to the bakery."

"I'm still not entirely convinced it's fair to you," he mumbles as I start the engine.

"Seriously, I don't mind." I give the man a knowing look, smiling gently. "Weren't comfortable sleeping in the big, fancy apartment?"

"Honestly, it wasn't even that bad. But the wine might've helped with that," he sighs, rubbing his temples. "Such a bad idea. And how the hell did I think staying up until 12:30 was a good idea?"

"Sleep. Now. Or else I'll put you to sleep myself," I threaten, albeit harmlessly.

Jimin surprisingly doesn't need much convincing after that and eventually dozes off beside me. Just as I predicted, traffic is a bit heavy on the roads at this time. I'm glad we gave ourselves extra time this morning because I'm not sure Jimin would've made it to work on time otherwise. Although it's only the main roads that are densely packed. The side streets are a lot clearer, luckily, and the slight feeling of claustrophobia is long gone. When we're about five minutes away from the bakery, I gently nudge Jimin awake.

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