Chapter 16: {Part 1}

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|There's always a wild side to an innocent face.|

Nina's pov:

Today was Friday. The girls and I were getting ready to go to a party that was closer to the club. It was one of Eva's friends.

It's been three days since I talked with Adrian. Last night Colton gave home and I had to confront him. He was really pissed off that I hide it from him. We talked and I try to convince him that I will continue to fight. He didn't agree.

(1-Nina's outfit⬆️)(2-Amy's outfit⬆️)(3-Eva's outfit⬆️)

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(1-Nina's outfit⬆️)
(2-Amy's outfit⬆️)
(3-Eva's outfit⬆️)

We were now done and ready to leave. Eva drove her car and we reached the avenue. The music was really loud. We walked inside and made our way to the bar, which was the kitchen.

"I really want to dance," Amy said loudly since the music was loud.

"Me too. I already saw some cute guy alone." Eva winked making us laughed.

We all grabbed a drink and chucked it quickly. We put the cup back on the counter before turning back to the dancing floor. Amy grabbed both Eva and I, pulling us on the dance floor. The music changed and we started to dance to the new rhythms. We weren't drunk but we were surely acting like one. Amy was really jumping and dancing.

"I'm going to grab some coke," Eva said and I nodded.

"I'll come with you," I said and she nodded. Amy continued to dance while Eva and I walked back to the kitchen. We both grabbed a coke can and opened it. We chucked it all and throw the can away.

"I'm going to get some guy now. Wanna join?" Eva asked and I shake my head no.

"I'm good, go ahead. I'll join Amy in a few minutes." I said and she nodded. I sat down on one of the stools as my feet were aching. I looked around and try to find some familiar faces but unfortunately, I didn't find any. I looked back to the dancing crowd and found Amy waving her hand towards me. She motioned to me to join her and I did.

Once I reached her, we went back to dancing like no one was watching us. It was good to relax and have fun.

After a few minutes, I felt someone grabbed my hips. He pulled me back on him and I could feel my heart racing. Who the fuck was this? I turned around quickly to see the person's face and instantly relaxed. It was Adrian.

There was a slight smirk on his kissable lips.

"Miss me?" He asked and I rolled my eyes. I turned around and let my back face him. I looked for Amy and she was gone. Where did she go in 10 seconds? I looked around but didn't find her.

I felt Adrian's hand moved and went higher on my waist. There was a gap between my skirt and my top. He found it and started to rub circle with his thumb. His lips found my neck and he started to kiss it, making me closed my eyes.

I tilt my head giving him more space but he stopped and chuckled. I knew he was teasing me but guess what? Two can play that game. My back was still to him and he had his arm around my waist. I didn't move away but instead, I pressed myself on him. I felt his breath hitched when I started to make a slow movement with my ass going along with the music. I smirked when I found Adrian junior getting hard. I continued for a few minutes before pulling away from him. I made my way to leave but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me the other way.

He dragged me to a more calm place and sandwiched me between him and the wall. I didn't get any time to talk since he crashed his lips on mine. I knew he wasn't drunk and neither was i. Everything that was happening and was about to happen, was with both our consent and full consciousness.

I wrapped my arm around his neck kissing him with the same force. His hand went up to my back, into my hair and he fists his hand pulling my hair. A moan escaped my lips but it was covered by his lips.

"You really like to tease me huh?" He asked when he pulled away, leaving both of us breathlessly.

"Y-you started it." I defended myself.

"Oh no I didn't, I was only getting you back for the boner you gave me the first time I carried you in your room." He admitted and I rolled my eyes.

"I didn't do it intentionally," I stated.

"But tonight you did and you are going to take care of it yourself." He said leaning closer to me. He crashed his lips on mine and bit my lips while one of his hands was on my stomach. He started to lift my shirt but I stopped him.

"There are a lot of people here," I said gesturing to the people behind him. He glanced around and sighed.

"You're right. Can't have them seeing you the way only I should be seeing you." He murmured making me confused. He grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers before making our way out of the party.

"Where are we going?" I asked once we were away from the party.

"My home." He replied. He opened the door of his car and we stepped in.


On our way to his house, I message Eva and Amy telling them that I already left the party. I waited for them to reply but none of them did. I turned off my phone and looked at Adrian's hand on my thigh.

"Aren't your parents going to be home?" I asked breaking the silence.

"Not going to happen anytime soon. I live alone." He replied and I nodded.

"Sorry I didn't know-"

"They aren't dead. They live away from me but I like it that way."


Love ya

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