Chapter 31: {I'll always have your back}

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|Nobody cares about your story until you win, so win.|

Nina's pov:

I crashed my lips to him, to stop him from rambling. He relaxed a little bit and leaned to kiss me harder. His hand reached my waist and he pulled me on him. We kissed for what seems like hours before pulling away for air.

"Stop blaming yourself. I saw what happen and I know Andrew is just messing with you." I said and he sighed.

"Yeah, but you are not an object, the bet is fucking nonsense." He said his voice laced with anger.

"Well, give him what he deserves. I don't care what he says about me but be careful ok? I don't want you to be hurt, you're arm is still healing." I said and he looked at me.

"What if I don't win? What if he wins? I'm not letting him, have you! I can't trust him. Ian had a knife on him, god knows what Andrew will carry on him." He said and I sighed.

"That's why you need to be careful Adrian. I don't know what will happen but do your best. I trust you and I know you will do it." I said cupping his face with my hands

"And even if you don't succeed, I will do it myself. Andrew is going nowhere safe tonight." I stated and he chuckled. He wrapped his arms around me, hugging me.

"I lov-uh I mean we should leave. The fight will start soon." He said pulling away.

"Let's go," I said and he nodded. Before leaving, he pulled his shirt off and handed it to me. He removed his silver chain and gave it to me. We walked back to our friends and they were all staring at us.

"Are you ready?" Blake asked clearing his throat.

"Yeah, I am." Adrian nodded. We looked at the ring and saw Andrew already up with Ian. They both share some last words before Ian walked down. Andrew looked around and when his eyes landed on Adrian, he smirked. He blows me a kiss and I rolled my eyes. The mic guy went to him and so did Adrian.

They both stood face to face and the crowd walked closer to the ring. They shook their hand and the fight started. My heart was beating fast just looking at them. I don't know what Andrew planned but I hoped and I prayed that Adrian does not get hurt.

I felt an arm wrapped around my arm and I turned to see Eva. She nodded at me, reassuring me that everything was going to be alright. I gave her a weak smile and turned to the guys.

Andrew was the first one to punch and Adrian blocked it. He punches his stomach twice making Andrew groaned. Andrew used his left leg to trap one of Adrian's leg as he punches him. Adrian managed to move his face and kick Andrew legs, making him kneel. Adrian was going to punch his face when Andrew used his left hook and punch Adrian side.

They both circle each other again and Andrew attack. He threw punch after punch and Adrian was doing good skipping them but I noticed that Adrian was getting tired.

"Andrew is trying to make him tired. He needs to attack back fast." I said looking at them.

"I'll go." Landon volunteered.

He walked closer to the ring and cup his mouth before shouting, "ATTACK ADRIAN! LIKE WE DID LAST WEEK."

Adrian didn't have to look at Landon to understand what he was saying. He nodded and circle Andrew. He punches his stomach twice, and his face twice. Andrew fell on the ground groaning. Adrian glanced at me and I nodded. He went back to Andrew and make his knee down.

I looked around and my eyes landed on Ian. He was looking at Adrian attentively. I saw him making his way closer to the ring, his knife in his hand.

He was going to hurt Adrian from the back!

I opened my bag and looked for my pocket knife. Mine might be short but it's as strong as his. I put it in my boot to hide it. I gave Eva my bag, Adrian's belongings and she looked at me confused. I walked through the crowd, making my way to Ian. He was really close to Adrian. I made sure no one was looking at me as I reached him.

He pulled his knife up ready to stab Adrian in the back. I reached to grab his wrist and he abruptly turned toward me.

"You have this coward habit of attacking from the back." I hissed glaring at him," and every time you fail."

"Oh, little girl came to save his boy." He taunted.

"Nah, he is a big boy, he can protect himself but I can't say the same thing about you. You used Andrew to get him, you attack from the back like coward and today instead of fighting with his face to face like a man, you send Andrew. But guess what, Adrian is not alone. You might have escaped from Adrian but you won't escape me." I stated, looking directly in his eyes to show him that I wasn't playing around.

Colton's pov:

We all watched as Nina talked to Ian. We were close to them and despite the loud noise from the cheering crowd, we were able to hear whatever she said. Not gonna lie, she looked really scary right now. I glanced at the guy and they were looking at her proudly. Ian looked like he was thinking hard.

Whatever was happening between Adrian and Nina must really be strong and serious. She was protecting his back herself when she could have asked anyone of us to do it. She just threatened Ian because he attacks Adrian.


We watched as Ian abruptly pushes Nina and walked up in the ring with the knife. Nina immediately jumped in the ring and bend down to take her knife from her fucking boot.

Since when does Nina walk with a freaking knife in her boots!?


Love ya

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