Chapter 55: {Labor}

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|The big day finally arrived.|

Nina's pov:

It's been two weeks since the gender reveals and right now Adrian and I were going to his father's mansion. His father invited us for dinner and surprisingly Adrian accepted to go.

We did bring my hospital bag in case I go into labor. I also packed some clothes for both of us.

 I also packed some clothes for both of us

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My belly was huge but I was a happy mom. Despite all the sleepless nights and pain, I was ready to meet them. At night, Adrian would talk to the twin and they would respond by kicking.

Adrian and I did the nursery room and it was ready. I wasn't stressed about it anymore. We pulled in the parking space of his dad's mansion and we stepped out. Adrian carries the bag and I linked my arm around his arms.

He rang the doorbell and we waited. The maid opened the door and greeted us. We walked in and I looked around. It was really big.

"Can you please put that in my room?" Adrian asked the maid and she nodded.

"Yes sir," she said.

"Thank you." He replied handing her the bags. She left and Adrian turned to me.

"They must be in the living room right now." He said and I nodded.

We walked there and he was right. They were all there. I noticed Jennifer, Matt, Peter, and Josh sitting at the back. There were some of Adrian's aunts and uncles but I honestly forgot their names.

Jennifer was the first one to notice us and her eyes went down to my belly. Once the guys noticed where she was looking, they stared at us. They already knew I was pregnant but they didn't see my big baby bump.

"Ah, Adrian you came." His father said, noticing us. Everyone turned to us and looked at us. Olivia glared at me but I ignore her.

"Dinner will be ready soon, why don't you sit down with us for a little?" His dad suggested.

We both sat down on the couch in front of them.

"Dear, how are you?" His dad asked genuinely interested.

"I'm good Mr. Ross and you?" I asked.

"Call me Paul dear and I'm good too." He said.

"When is your due date?" I turned and saw Tina, Adrian's recently wedded aunt.

"In 2 weeks but I might go in labor sooner," I said and she nodded.

"Do you know the gender?" Her husband Frank asked.

"Yeah, it's a girl and a boy," Adrian answered and Frank looked shocked

"You are having twin?" He asked surprised.

"I told you they were having twin," Tina said annoyed.

"Sorry if I didn't pay attention to your words," Frank said with the same monotone voice.

"Adrian, why don't you go and join your bother and cousins? Jennifer is there too. I'll call you once dinner is ready." Paul said looking at Tina and Frank blankly.

Adrian sighed and help me to stand up. We walked toward the guys and Jennifer. Adrian handshake them while I stayed by his side. Suddenly, I felt a contraction and I held Adrian's arm tightly while my other hand went directly to my belly.

"Are you okay?" Adrian asked concerned.

"Yeah, just another contraction," I replied.

"We are supposed to time them." He pointed out.

"Yeah, but they are not frequent right now. I will tell you when to time them." I said and he nodded.


We looked at Matt and he sighed.

"I mean it, I'm sorry for being such a brat with you and you too Nina. I hope you two can forgive me." He said.

"You made my life a living hell. If I didn't meet Nina, I don't know what would have happened to me. It will take time Matt, but we will try." Adrian said and Matt nodded.

"Take your time," Matt said.

"And we are sorry too." Peter said looking at me, "we shouldn't have said all those things about you and about you Adrian."

"Well, as I said before, we will forgive you but give us time," Adrian said and they nodded.

"I'm not sorry for beating Sam though," I said and they chuckled.

"That's okay," Josh said.

"Dinner's ready," Paul said and we nodded. We all make our way to the dining table. Jennifer walked past me and went to sit beside Adrian. Adrian noticed her and stood up. He put his hand on my back and guided me to the other side of the table. Jennifer glared at me again.

"Let's just dig in," Paul said.


We were almost done when I had a contraction again. My usual contraction was usually weak, or they might be strong at first but then get weaker. But no this one. This time it was stronger, the contraction steadily increases in strength.

I also noticed that the contraction started from my lower back and then move to my front abdomen. Usually, I just felt it in my front abdomen.

After 5 minutes, I felt another one. The same intensity and the same duration. Adrian was talking to his brother and cousins. I didn't want to interrupt them for a small contraction. I waited and time my contraction by myself.

I might be in labor right now. The doctor did explain to us that once the contraction started to get regular and closer to each other, it can mean that I was in labor. My water didn't break yet though.

I felt another one and when I looked at my phone. It was 5 minutes apart. I was in labor. I let this contraction weaken before I tapped Adrian's arm. He turned to me.

"Babe I'm in labor," I said and his eyes went wide.

"What? How do you know?" He asked.

"The contraction. It's getting stronger and I time them. They are 5 minutes apart." I explained.

"Ok, let's get you in the hospital." He said.

"I need to change first, I can't go to the hospital like that," I said and he nodded

We both stood up, ready to leave when I felt another one and I had to use the chair to lean on.

"Are you okay?" Matt asked but before I could reply, Adrian did.

"No, she is in labor."


Love ya

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