Chapter 29: {plans}

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|No matter how old we are age is just a number. It's never to late to love, to reach or care for each other. To forgive a brother or to find a lover. Life is just a mystery waiting to be discover.|

Nina's pov:

It's been a week now since Eva's date. She has been talking a lot to Blake and the guys would meet us in the cafeteria every day. We caught a lot of attention during these past days. Everyone was whispering about us and the rumours were really unbelievable.

Some were saying that we were sleeping with them for our reputation and some were saying that we were doing drugs with them. However, it was funny to see the students shaking whenever Adrian or Colton went to talk to them. They would literally run away from them.

Adrian was better now. His arm was healing and now he didn't really wear a bandage on his arm. A few days ago, we went to the hospital and see a doctor for him. We had to lie a lot. We told the doctor that Adrian's doctor was out of town and that Adrian was feeling itchy with the bandage and that he wanted to remove it. Luckily the other doctor fell for it and examine the cut. He said that everything was alright and that it was healing.

Since Blake knew that I was at Adrian's place, he has been really teasing us whenever he could. He would make some comments that fortunately only Adrian and I understood. The others would just look at him confused. Beside Eva though, Blake told her everything.

Adrian and I would tease Blake too since he likes Eva a lot but he was unaffected by our comments. He looked proud of himself. However, Eva would blush and she would only smile. I feel bad for doing this to her.

Eva didn't ask me much about what was happening between Adrian and me. She didn't even tell Amy or anyone else about it. I think she is waiting for me to drop the bomb. No one in the group knew that Adrian and I were dating. We both decided that we will them when the right moment will come. So right now, we were still pretending to be just friends.

"So what are your plans your tonight?" Colton asked.

We were now at the back of the school where we were chilling and having our lunch.

"Nothing, we were just going to see some movie at Nina's place," Eva replied.

"And what about you?" Amy asked looking at Colton.

"I have a fight in the evening. I will be at the club. The guys will accompany me." He said and I looked at Adrian.

Please don't tell me he was going to fight. He just healed from his cut and it wasn't even healed completely yet. The spot was still fragile.

"We are only going to watch him," Adrian said once he noticed I was looking at him.

"But if we get a good opponent we might fight as well," Blake added making Adrian glared at him.

"Do you girls want to come? You can watch. But no fighting for you." Landon stated and we scoffed.

"Right," Amy said.

"We will come," I said making Adrian looked at me once again. If he was going to fight this evening then so am i. The rules must be fair for both of us.

"Cool. We will meet you at your place at 5:30 pm." Colton said and I nodded. I felt my phone vibrated and I took it.

Meet me near my car-A

I looked up at him and saw him standing up.

"I'll buy something and I'll be back." He said and walked inside. I waited for some minutes before I stood up.

"I'll use the washroom," I said and made my way inside too. I walked to the parking lot where his car was. He was leaning against his car.

"What's up?" I asked as I approached him.

"What was all that about?" He asked straight forward.

"Nothing." I shrugged and he sighed.

"I'm not going to fight with them so don't you dare try to fight this evening. I will fucking pick you up and bring you home with me." He said making his way toward me. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me on him.

"You just want me to come over to your place," I said and he chuckled.

"That I do." He admitted and kissed my temple.

"Back to the subject, if you fight i will fight too." I stated and he sighed.

"I'll make sure that never happen." He murmured but i heard him.

"Let's go back to the group." He said and I nodded.

We made our way back to the backfield.

"What did you buy?" Blake smirked.

"Nothing. There was nothing good." Adrian replied calmly.

"Anyway, we were talking about doing a trip," Amy said as soon as we sat down on the grass. This time Adrian sat beside me.

"A trip? Where to?" I asked curiously.

"Well, the holidays are almost here so why not do a small trip? We can also do camping." Landon said.

"It seems cool. We should definitely go. We can explore around too." Adrian said and we nodded.

"Do you have any place in mind?" I asked.

"Yeah, there are a couple of places we can camp but it's really far from here. We will have to drive for at least 5 hours. It can be more." Blake answered.

"Oh I know that place but I don't think we should do there. It will be really crowded since everyone goes there. We should look for another calm place." Colton added.

"Well there is another place, but we will have to drive 7 to 8 hours," Landon said.

"Wow, we will have to leave early in the morning to reach there before the night," Amy said and he nodded.

"We will have to leave really early, cause we will need to make some stop on the way to refill the car and so that we don't have cramps in our legs or a numbed butt." He said making us chuckled.

"Sound good. It's decided then. We are going." Colton said and we nodded.

The bell rang and we all stood up. We all started to make our way inside.


Love ya

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