
854 39 15

wednesday, 15th November 2017

"feeeeelixxxxx !" the young Australian turned around smiling at his friend, "wassup channie ?" he slung an arm around the younger's shoulder ruffling his hair, "nothing much, oh, remember hyunjin ?" felix nodded in response, the memory of his first encounter with his landlord, his cheeks flushed red looking to the side to hide it. "he's having a party and invited me, told me I could bring an extra. do you want to be my extra ?" he leaned in close to the other's face smirking slightly. felix smiled nodding in response, it was his first social gathering since he arrived in korea so why not. "we gotta get you some better clothes then." chan stood up straight. "what's wrong with my clothes now?" 

"good for Australia and for college but not, party fashion, you have no more classes right? let's go shopping." before felix could respond, he was already being dragged by the hand out of the building, a familiar figure watching.


"we shall find find some clothes that will make you look like the hottest guy out there, everyone will wanna tap that~" chan winked, "shall?" 

"shall." felix let out an 'oh' before looking around eyeing the cute hoodies making chan drag him away, "no no lixie, away." he dragged him to the opposite side grabbing out  pair of black ripped jeans and a half stripped black and white cropped shirt shoving them into felix's arms, "go change." making the younger sulk and whine walking to the change rooms. 

chan giggled following and sitting out the room waiting. after a while he tilted his head walking to the curtain, "you good in there?" 

"I'm not sure if this suits me hyung..." he whimpers slightly looking at himself in the mirror. "just come out, let's see. if you don't open the curtain in the next three seconds I'll open it myself." chan took a hold of the curtain, "three, two, on-" the curtain opened to reveal the most beautiful thing chan had ever seen, "how...do I look?"

chan went silent as he stepped back startled, the jeans hugged his legs perfectly showing his toned long legs as well as the shirt that just exposed his upper stomach. felix took the silence as a bad sign and looked down heading back into the room before chan quickly grabbed his wrist, "you look beautiful..."

felix blushed before looking up again, "take it off." his eyes widened, "what?" "I'm buying this for you so take it off."

"ah..right." he went bright red running into the change room, "aish, what the heck felix." he hit himself a few times. chan laughed knowing exactly what he did waiting outside. 

soon felix came out, the clothes folded neatly in his hands, "wah, someone is a perfectionist, can't wait to see your apartment."

"since when were you coming to my apartment?" chan chuckled, "I'm gonna stay there and wait for the party." he smiled before taking the clothes and running off and paying before felix could say anything. 

felix pouted before chuckling and mumbling, "sugar daddy."


"how long until the party?" chan checked his watch, "30 minutes but you wanna come fashionably late so another hour."

"I literally live 8 floors from him...how does that even work?" he was quickly shushed, "let's just say you stayed at my place~" 

he sighed walking to his desk pulling out some work from his bag, he placed it on the table before walking over into the bathroom, chan followed quickly seeing what the boy was doing.

"lix? what is that?" 

"concealer." chan tilted his head confused, "concealer? why?" he pointed out his freckles before applying the cosmetic. "in korea, people don't like my freckles as much as australia, the idea of. beauty is different so i'll just hide it, no big deal." this made chan pout, "I like them, they're cute." felix giggled continuing his action not noticing the other's blush.

"what's the time? i wanna do your make up hyung~" felix giggled dragging him to a seat, "dark and sexy? or mysterious~"

"you go mysterious and I'll go sexy~" chan chuckled watching the younger blush then get out what he needed. "let's do it~"


"how the heck?! it's 7:34! how?! I swear it was just 5:30!" chan laughed, "but we look awesome so let's go~"

'거기 너 I fancy you 아무나 원하지 않아Hey I love you (love ya)그래 너 I fancy you 꿈처럼 행복해도 돼'Cause I need youWhat? fancy you 누가 먼저-'

chan blushed quickly picking up his phone, "yeah? I'm on my way. yeah I know. yes I'm bringing someone. yeah, he's hot as, why?" he stole a glance seeing felix's flushed cheeks as he ran out of the room, "shut up, see ya."

"he's waiting, let's go~" chan smiled grabbing his jacket as felix quickly scrambled to get changed grabbing his jewellery, struggling to put his necklace on whilst he did his shoes.

chan giggled quickly doing the necklace up for him as the younger tied his laces, (double knot double knot)

both quickly running out of the apartment and to the elevator.

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