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chan rung the doorbell chucking at the person beside him who seemed quite anxious. "hyunjin is cool, don't worry about it, he'll like you." as if on cue, hyunjin opened the door.

"hey cha-" his eyes dragged along taking sight of the person beside his friend, he couldn't help but notice his perfect legs and how hot he looked in the whole set, looked a bit like chan. he looked at his face seeing the dark eye make-up on him. he felt his cheeks going red at the sight, felix watching the other's eyes felt even more nervous. "stop ogling my friend, felix this is hyun-"

"we've met, haven't we?" the younger nodded, "o-on my first day here when I first moved in." hyunjin opened the door wider letting the both of them in, "help yourself, there's food,  drinks, and yes there's alcohol. so how's your alcohol tolerance cutie?" hyunjin leaned in close making felix gulp and blush, "i-it's fine." 

"hmph, then you should be completely sober when I see you next." he winked before heading off to tend to his guests, leaving felix disoriented and stunned and a jealous chan behind him. 

"I need a drink.." the younger mumbled before walking off.


"how nice it must be to live up here." felix was now on the balcony of the penthouse staring out over the street. he had had a few drinks so he wasn't exactly sober, nor wasted, but it was evident he had done a handful of drinking due to the flushed cheeks and slightly slurred language. 

another figure opened the door approaching him, a red cup in his hand, the sound of steps making felix turn his head. "now what's a pretty boy like you doing all alone out here?"

felix scoffed, "why? wanna make me less lonely?" the other smiled walking over, the younger noticing it was someone familiar, "don't mind if i do~"

"where's your friend? chan?"

"he's your friend too." the other laughed, "true. he's probably somewhere in the party, wouldn't be surprised if he was hooking up with someone. that's chan for you. how did you meet him?"

felix giggled at the other's statement smiling at the memory.

"i bumped into him on my way here, well, finding my apartment. found out we go to the same college and that's pretty much it. he became my korean tutor and then my best friend." he smiled laying his head on the balcony railing, "how did you meet him?"

"he met me at my worst time probably," the older sighed, "i guess i was young and stupid, i was all over the place, my parents were never a part of my life and i had no one, he found me during highschool, the classic bully that smokes and does drugs but in reality was just a scared little kid that had to grow up too fast." felix didn't expect this and neither did hyunjin. there he was, a guy he had only had one conversation with, he was sharing his life, it was probably the alcohol. "chan saved my life, well, in a metaphorical sense, he practically took me in and made me family, I'm so grateful for him." he paused smiling slightly before his lips curled into a frown. "but honestly...even though i have him, i still feel somewhat lonely..." 

he sighed once more and felix stood straight, shifting over slightly providing the other comfort, "define lonely~" he stared up to the sky, "no one to share this beautiful view with." he let out a chuckle, "pathetic right?" he swirled the drink in his hand before chugging it down letting his head fall to the side. "i don't think it is, everyone will experience the moment where they'll want love, but, mind if i ask, haven't you ever dated anyone? had a girlfriend?"

"ew, gross, girls. slept with many, but too gay for anything else." felix flushed red before clearing his throat, leaning down onto the railing again staring off. "why you blushing cutie? wanna be my next boyfriend?" the younger choked turning his head to the left to avoid any eye contact making the host laugh and lean on the railing as well watching the beauty besides him, "i'll make you mine, just wait kitten~"

"k-kitten?! as in a-cat?" he looked over with wide eyes

"cute pet name right? it's all for you~" he winked making the other turn his head again. 

the two remained the same for a while, one staring off and playing with the flowers that hung around the balcony and the other simply admiring him. he would be lying if he said he felt nothing for the younger, he had a strange feeling since their first meeting, he had seen the aussie at college as well.  "hey, you kno-" the younger quickly turned his head finding himself face to face with slightly flushed hyunjin, "i..." the older just smirked, "you what cutie? wanna kiss me?" he scoffed, "n-no, i-i was just gonna-" felix lost his train of thought, hyunjin taking the opportunity to lean in slowly, his eyes on the younger's lips. 

he couldn't move, he felt frozen, more like he didn't want to move, he just shut his eyes waiting. the cute action made hyunjin's heart flutter slightly, he blushed. before leaning back feeling slightly guilty of his intoxicated action. felix opened one eye to see the taller male looking down, unconsciously standing straight and taking the other's collar in his hands and connecting their lips. the kiss was a mix of the alcohol and lust but something inside both of them said something otherwise, that there was something more as hyunjin's hands trailed down holding the younger's hips and pulling him closer.

the kiss got deeper as if the two were longing for each other's lips their whole lives. slowly turning, hyunjin pinned the younger against the glass doors parting their lips slowly staring each other, silence and heavy breathing filling the atmosphere. "what is this..." hyunjin panted out, "why do i feel this way around you...why..." he brought the other's hand to his chest feeling the rapid beating of his heart. 

felix looked up breathing heavily, "i dont know, but i feel the same..."

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