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friday, 23 june 2019



please, I don't know what else to do.

I'm sorry I cheated, I'm sorry I
caused your accident !
I'm sorry I lost you, I'm sorry....
please just come back to me...


monday, 8 june 2019


"asshole! bastard! get away! I never want to see you again!" the lilac haired male ran through the street crying and causing a scene, he didn't care, he just felt betrayed and hurt. "kitten I'm sorry! it wasn't me! I can explain"

"don't call me kitten! explain?!" he spun around furious, "2 days hyunjin. two fucking days I was over in busan and you just couldn't stand it that you cheated, worse, with my best friend?! explain that!" he stared at him, tears streaming down his cheeks heavy breathing evident in his rising and falling chest.

"he initiated it! told me he had a crush on me and said he would leave me alone after one night! that's all!" felix looked into the other's eyes, the dilated pupils making felix's heart break.

"you have always been a terrible liar, I can see right through you. fuck you, go off and fuck him, we're done, I'm done with you. don't even bother calling me, i've already blocked you." the pedestrian light turned green and he walked off onto the road, in a matter of seconds, before his lover now ex-lover could do anything, his body collided with a car. he didn't know. what was worse, seeing the accident happen or somehow believe he was the cause of it. he couldn't move, he wanted to run comfort him hold him but he couldn't.

as the ambulance arrived, he took a step, quickly dashing over holding the unconscious boy in his arms as the paramedics placed him onto a stretcher loading him into the ambulance, hyunjin following, "are you related to this man?" he nodded, "i'm his bo-...i....i'm his friend.." the paramedic nodded letting him on. the whole ride he clutched the younger's hand in his as tears fell down his cheeks, "i-it's okay baby, i'm here, y-you can make it, y-you can't leave me like this, i-i c-can make it right, i-i promise, so wake up, please..."

make it right 🔛 hyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now