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tuesday, 5 november 2019


hyunjin picked up his jacket and grabbed his car keys finally feeling a more urgency to go see his love after countless undelivered messages. he'd send multiple everyday, too many to read, too many to remember, sometimes multiple different context ones in the same hour. he just missed him so much. he knew he messed up but he thought he could make up for it, he had done it before so what was stopping him from doing it now...

he dropped by the market and picked up a bouquet of light pink roses, 'light pink means only you know how i feel' (a/n: okay. come on everyone should know that reference.) before speeding (not actually speeding) to the familiar house which he once knew belonged to the love of his life.

felix had moved post their break up so the only way he knew of the other's address was through jisung, a mutual friend. he soon arrived at the building, "it's cute...just like him...how did he afford it? right, the dancing thing." he walked up the stairs with the flowers in his hands and with shaking hands rung the doorbell.

he felt his breathing get heavier and chest rise as his heart began to rapidly beat. the sound of a lock was heard on the other side and hyunjin waited anxiously for the person on the other side. to his surprise, he came face to face with someone else. "hello? who might you be?" it was a woman in her late 40's, she looked puzzled. "oh, my name is hwang hyunjin ma'am, i'm looking for my friend, lee felix, have you happened to know where he is right now?" the woman paused to think for a while, "oh! lee yongbok right? he lived he before me, yesyes i remember him, oh he's such a sweetheart. i'm quite sure he said he was moving."

"do you know where too?" the lady paused again, "i remember it was abroad, austria?"

"australia..." hyunjin mumbled, "that's right! he went with his friend, they looked like such an adorable couple~ handsome guy, i think his name was chan or something like that. why were you looking for him?" hyunjin looked down, holding the flowers behind his back, "i..just needed to tell him something...." the woman saw his actions and looked at him pitifully.

"would you like to come in? have some tea maybe?" hyunjin shook his head, "i don't want to bother you." 

"you're not, it's fine~ come in, oh, my name's ji-eun by the way~ so you don't need to call me ma'am." hyunjin stepped in, "it's cozy." ji-eun nodded heading to the kitchen beginning to boil the water.

the two soon sat down, "so, what's wrong, i see the flowers, it's clear that you and him had something, am i correct?" hyunjin nodded playing with his cup, "lixie and i, dated for around a year and 7 to 8 months...everything was so perfect....until..." he took a deep breath, "i made a horrible mistake, i...he was in busan, he was doing a tour around south korea and i, i couldn't help myself, i went back to the way i was before and i...i..." ji-eun nodded, "i understand.."

"that night, he stormed out after he saw, we fought, i couldn't stand to see his crying face, it was just too painful, i didn't know he could cry like that and i didn't know that i'd be the cause of it....he walked away from me, onto the road, then...a-a....drunk driver came, speeding, he got hit, he was in a coma, for 2 months, then he finally woke up. no neurological damage and he healed fine, i refrained from texting him until october, it was only until recently that the messages wouldn't deliver, now i know why.." he stared down at his glass, "he's not even in the same country as me anymore....he's gone...(a/n: out of ma lifeeee, i was wrongggg, i'm to blameeee. LAAAAADAYYYYY WONT YOU SAAAAAVEEE MEEEEE!)"

"did you tell him everything you. needed to say, maybe closure?" hyunjin shook his head, "i should probably do that shouldn't i." ji-eun nodded smiling and placing her hand on the other's, "who knows, maybe it will turn out better than you expect."

"but they don't deliver.."

"it doesn't hurt in sending it anyway, maybe write a letter, i have his address since he forgot some things here i had to ship to him. i shouldn't legally be doing this but, give me your phone." he handed it over and she both gave him felix's address and her number, "feel free to call me if you need anything okay?" he nodded smiling before thanking her and leaving, "wait your flowers!" 

"keep them~ they're my thank you present~" he smiled before getting into his car and driving home.

'please, give me one more chance lix'

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