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LILLIE SAT IN luke's with rory and lorelai, the blonde looking around for a certain brunette boy

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LILLIE SAT IN luke's with rory and lorelai, the blonde looking around for a certain brunette boy. rory noticed this, a smirk tugging at her lips, widening as jess came down the stairs, looking startled as he saw lillie sat there. this made rory laugh under her breath, earning a kick to her shin.

"hi." the brooks girl smiled.


"hi." rory joined in with a mocking tone, making lillie kick her again. "ow! stop it!"

lillie blinked innocently at her best friend. "stop what?"

luke and lorelai watched the exchange between the teenagers, luke being confused and lorelai filled with concern.

"oh, uh, lillie, i have that book upstairs." jess said making lillie suppress a laugh and nod.

"oh yeah. that book, huh?" she teased his attempt of an excuse.

he rolled his eyes before gesturing to the stairs. "we could go upstairs and check it out." he suggested.

she smiled and got up, following the boy up to luke's apartment, lorelai's glare and rory's smirk going unnoticed.

"why do you insist on making my life difficult?" jess says as the two enter the apartment making lillie smirk.

"it's more fun that way." she said walking over to the table leaning against it as he walked up to her, wrapping his arms around her waist. "hi." she grinned, placing her hands on his shoulders.

"hi." he smirked leaning in to press his lips against hers. she kissed back, the girls arms winding around his neck. the boy pulled away momentarily to mutter against the others lips. "we could've been doing this the whole time." he said making the girl giggle before connecting their lips again, her hands finding their way into his hair as she felt his arms tighten around her waist and pull her closer.

lillie pulled away first, biting her bottom lip gently. "luke's gonna come in, in a minute."

"what?" he asked confused.

"trust me, i know luke, so you better step back in 3...2..." he moved away quickly, still confused when luke burst through the door looking at the two suspiciously. jess raised his eyebrow at the smirking girl.

"just came in to get my...uh...pen!" he said, picking up a random pen off the table making jess roll his eyes at the excuse. luke stood there, glancing between the two. lillie thought it was sweet that he was being protective, it made her happy to know he cared.

"need anything else?" jess asked clearly annoyed by luke making lillie giggle quietly.

"oh, uh nope. i'll leave you two, to your book." he said looking between them again before leaving.

lillie laughed "you and luke are pretty similar when you think about it. 'just came in to get my pen' 'i've got that book upstairs'" she joked, mocking the two in turn receiving an eye roll from jess, who moved back over to her.

"me and luke are nothing alike." he protested with a scoff. "i don't know what he's worried about anyway. what's the worst we could do?" he said, placing his hands back on her waist. she narrowed her eyes at him as if to ask him 'really?'. "okay, never mind, i get it." he smirked. "so if we can't get any privacy here, what about your place?"

lillie's smile fell, not knowing how to respond. "uh yeah, my place."

"something wrong?" he asked, raising his eyebrows. "embarrassed of me?"

she sighed, gripping onto his shirt gently her bottom lip sticking out slightly. "no, i'm embarrassed of my mom."

"c'mon lillie, i know an excuse when i hear one."

"jess! i mean it, she's insane, believe me." she frowned. "besides, i didn't peg you for a meet the parents kind of guy."

"i'm not."

"then why are you upset about this?" he didn't answer, looking away from lillie's gaze. "jess. talk to me."

"i don't know. it's just different with you, lil." he shrugged. "no one takes me home to meet their parents. i'm not that guy. but i wanna be that guy for you."

she felt her heart melt at his words. "trust me, if it wasn't for my parents being the way they are, i'd have no problem with you meeting them. i think you're amazing, i have no shame." she smiled, giving him a quick kiss. "you know, you have your moments, mariano."

he shrugged again with a smirk. "i try." he said leaning in to kiss her properly before she stopped him making him groan in annoyance. "what now?"

she laughed, moving out of his embrace and over to the door. "luke will be coming up again in like 20 seconds so we should probably beat him to it and head downstairs."

he rolled his eyes before going to follow her out, kissing her quickly "we need to find somewhere we can do this in private." he said before she led him downstairs entering the diner. "thanks for the book." she winked at him teasingly before sitting back down with rory and lorelai as he got to work.

"you were up there for a while." lorelai comments, directing a glare to jess.

lillie looked at her with a confused expression, "yeah well you know how i am with books."

"yeah i know how you are. i don't know how he is though." she said, gesturing to the boy that simply minded his own business.


"mom!" rory scolded her mom also, confused as to why she was acting this way.

"well i don't. all he seems to have done since coming here is cause trouble and rope lillie into it too."

lillie frowned at the older gilmore. "hey i wasn't roped into anything, i make my own decisions. and he's not a bad guy. what's your deal?"

"what's my deal? my deal is him, with you."

lillie rolled her eyes. "me and jess have nothing to do with you."

"mom drop it." rory said, giving her mom a look. she knew her best friend had never liked someone as much as she liked jess, so she wasn't happy about her mom trying to ruin it.

"you're not my mom, worry about dean and rory. or don't, whatever, i don't care. just leave me and jess out of it." lillie said making lorelai stop talking, staring at the blonde in shock. "and i'm being rude because you're being rude, not because jess made me that way." she said before getting up and storming out of the diner, several pairs of eyes following her as she left.

"mom! what the hell?" rory immediately argued with lorelai, looking at her angrily.


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