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LILLIE AND JESS strolled hand in hand through the streets of stars hollow

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LILLIE AND JESS strolled hand in hand through the streets of stars hollow. each person they passed staring at the pair.

"this town sure is nosy." jess comments, rolling his eyes.

"imagine living here for the majority of your life. they're all starved for entertainment."

he sighed, stopping near the steps up to the gazebo, taking his hand from hers to rest them on the girl's hips with a frown. "lil, this is ridiculous."

lillie sighed also, glancing to the side to see miss patty and taylor staring at them. she waved at them awkwardly before turning back to jess. "i know."

"we can't go to luke's or walk around the town anymore." he frowned. "and i think luke would probably beat my ass if i kept you out til midnight again."

"jess.." she returned his frown. "we'll figure something out." she said before giving him a quick kiss. "what did luke say to you anyhow?"

jess groaned, remembering what luke said to him after lillie left the diner earlier. "he's lost it i swear. saying stuff like, i have to have you home by nine and if you smell like alcohol or cigarettes, then he's gonna have me castrated. i don't know what he thinks i'm gonna do."

lille scoffed angrily. "unbelievable. why does everyone think i'm just some stupid girl that can't make her own decisions."

"he may be missing a screw or two, but i'm pretty sure luke's just worried about you."

"it's not just luke though! lorelai too, the whole town even." she exclaimed, before exhaling heavily to calm down. "i'm just sick of it. it feels like rory is the only one really happy for me."

jess smiled slightly at her ranting. "c'mere." he said before moving his hands to her cheeks pulling her into a soft kiss before pulling away, the blonde now smiling. "it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, okay? it only matters what we think." she nodded in agreement.

"i have to go meet rory." she remembered, letting go off his hands and pressing a quick kiss to the boy's lips before retreating. "i'll see you later." she winked at him before walking away feeling his eyes follow her.


"it's just so annoying! nobody can just mind their own business." lillie ranted angrily to her brunette friend. "and what the hell has lorelai been taking?"

rory laughed dryly recalling her mother's outburst, looping her arm through the blonde's as they walked to the bookstore. "..you know my mom didn't mean what she said."

lillie's frown deepened. "sounded like she meant it."

rory sighed, a frown on her lips. "she was just worried."

"i don't care, i don't need anyone to worry about me, i can handle myself just fine." she scoffed.

"if you say so."

"so when lorelai wants to apologise, let me know." she said simply making rory sigh.

"okay! change of topic! it's your birthday soon." rory said enthusiastically receiving a very unenthusiastic 'yay.' from the blonde. "c'mon it'll be fun this year! you have a boyfriend and an amazing best friend to share it with this year." lillie rolled her eyes at this, rory was like this every year. she never understood why the blonde didn't want to celebrate her birthday. besides, jess wasn't technically her boyfriend, the two haven't had that conversation yet.

"rory, i don't want to do anything for my birthday. jess doesn't even know about it so-"

"you didn't tell him your birthday is coming up?"


"lillie." rory frowned at the girl.

"what's wrong with that?"

"birthdays are important things that you tell people you care about. jess is gonna be hurt you didn't tell him."

"you think?" lillie asked nervously as they entered the bookstore, rory nodding as an answer. "he doesn't seem like the type of guy to get upset over something like that."

"guys are surprisingly sensitive." rory laughed as the pair walked to the section of the store the new books were, having read most of the older ones. "so are you gonna tell him?"



"rory!" the girl copied her in a mocking tone. "look, my birthday is just one of those days that i wanna ignore and treat as any other day. so please don't get involved or meddle or plan anything. okay?"

"okay." the brunette answered unconvincingly.


"i said okay."


"fine, i swear i won't meddle." rory said defensively, holding up both her hands on defeat. "but i think if-"




this ones short and i dont like how its written, sorry :(

but merry christmas <333

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