Kaylee POV
The idea of being sent to the office had always terrified me. This was my first time. At the same time, I was angry that I would be getting in trouble for exposing that lies that deserved every word of what I said. I never even raised my tone from soft to harsh. She should be grateful for that.
", may I ask why you were yelling at Lila?" The principle asked.
"I don't mean to sound smart, sir, but I was not yelling at her. I was reasoning. She had threatened me, and I could not understand all of her lies. Maybe her cries are real, but everything else is fake. I know you won't believe me, since you don't seem to believe the students who are bullied in this school, but I want to make my point clear, and very." I started. "We do not deserve to be treated like this by Lila and Chloe everyday of our lives because you are scared of Chloe and her father and don't care enough to even watch Lila to see if me and Marinette are telling the truth. You just assume us wrong." My anger felt like it was boiling to the spilling point, but I was able to maintain a smooth confident voice throughout the entire meeting.
"Miss, we have our way of settling things here. You should respect them. Do not speak like that to another student again." When he saw my mouth open in protest, he held up a hand to silence me. "You will not talk back to me. We will watch Lila, but not long. You may come to the office with any trouble any students cause, but let us handle it from there. You are excused."
The anger bubbled high in my chest. I wanted to scream, to yell my protests, but I was ushered out of the room. As I left, I muttered, "as if" and tried to get my anger down. I knew that if I didn't, I could be Akumatized myself. Luckily, I was able to avoid that scenario. But barely.
At Marinette's House, I checked on the kwami. It was moving more than it had the day before, and Marinette and I watched in fascination. After a while, it awoke.
"Hello little Kwami. What's your name?" I asked when it looked at me.
"I am Delphin. Pleased to meet you Kaylee," the cheerful Kwami said. It knew my name.
"You know my name?"
"Well of course! You were chosen to be the owner of the Dolphin Miraculous!" The little Kwami answered.
"We should get ready to sleep. Tomorrow is Tuesday, and we don't want to be late." Marinette said.
"Yeah, your right," I yawned. "Let's go to sleep."
We slept, and I slept fast. The night was quiet and peaceful. Nothing woke me up that night, and dreams welcomed peaceful scenes.
The night was good, but when I woke up, I was no longer in Marinettes house.
I was in a completely new place.
Marinette POV
I woke up like normal, and the first thing I saw was Kaylees empty bed. I didn't think much of it at first, thinking she was just downstairs getting ready before me, but then I saw Delphin was also missing, and Kaylee never came back upstairs. She was missing.
Kaylee was missing.
Kaylee POV
"Hello? Anybody there?" I called into the dark of the room. My heart was pounding hard, and my voice quivered even though I willed it not to. I got no response, only the dark abyss around me, consuming me whole, was there.
Then a piercing light lit the room, and I got my answer. A girl in a costume walked up to me. She didn't look like any hero or villain I had ever seen.
"Hello Kaylee. I suppose you are wondering who I am and why I am here. You have been chosen to be one of the first hero's of our world. Yes, I know what happened, and how you got here. I am the reason you are in this world. No, I am not a villain. I am a superhero with a Miraculous like yours." She explained it in a way that answered all of my questions the second I thought them. I wonder... "yes, I can read your mind, but only sometimes."
I stared at her wide eyed and mouth open. This entire week had been insane, but this was the craziest of all.
"Transform. I will be back in ten minutes. Eat, transform, wait." She said. "You can call me Emma. That's my real name."
Then she left, leaving me with a plate with a sandwich, chips and a water, and my Kwami, Delphine. She left the lights on, thank god, so I was able to study the room. It had light pink walls with everything a normal room would have. It was peaceful, like a child's room, but also very neat and organized, like a hospital room.
I did as she said, ate the sandwich. Next to the sandwich was a little box. It looked like a miracle box, and I suppose it was, for when I opened it the miraculous was inside and Delphin flew out. There was no symbol on the navy blue box I held in my hand, but I still knew it was a miraculous box.
"What do I need to say?" I asked my little kwami.
"Delphin, let's dive!" Delphin responded.
I took a deep breath before yelling, "Delphin, let's dive!" I felt a weird sensation cover me in what felt like glitter all over my body. There were purple sparks starting at my feet and traveling up my body as a deep blue suit with touches of light blue replaced my warm polka-dot pajamas. A blue mask covered my face, concealing my identity.
It was only about five minutes before the girl hero came back again, this time as her normal form. Her hair was short and curly, a dirty blonde. Her eyes were a very light brown. By appearance, she looked like a sweet girl, soft and kind. While she may be kind, she was not soft or sweet. She seemed more of the tough and confident kind of person.
"C'mon. Time to meet someone. What should I call you in your hero form?" She said with a grin. "This is the fun part. Make it a good one."
I thought hard for a minute, about dolphins and water and names that sounded good to me in my head. Only one was good enough. "Aquatica. My hero name is Aquatica."
She responded with nothing but a grin and a nod that signaled me to follow her. She didn't seem the smiling type. She always grinned.
When we stopped walking, we were in a bigger room now, lobby-like. On the other side of the room stood a boy in a Jaguar print costume. It was another hero, just like me.
"Aquatica, meet Imperium."
"Imperium? Where did that come from?" I asked, curious.
"It means powerful, and jaguars can crush skulls. I would call that pretty powerful," He answered. "How did you choose your name?"
"Aqua, water, dolphin. I also thought it sounded best, and I'm not good at names," I replied, shrugging.
"You have both lived in this world for about a week. You have not met each other as normal, so both of you, detransform." Emma demanded. "Imperium, you go first."
"Jamir , uncover." Sparks flew from his head to his toes, showing him in his civilian form. His hair was a dark brown, almost black, and his eyes were a hazel color that turned green near the edges of his irises,
"Delphin, resurface," I said, returning to normal with the same sensation as before. If Imperium and I would be working together, then we would know our identities, and that could help us be hero's.
But it could also endanger us.
word count 1327 if you wanted to know... the longest chapter yet!

Worlds Apart A Miraculous Ladybug Story (Completed)
FanfictionWhat happens when someone from OUR world travels to THEIRS??? This story follows a girl from america who one day wakes up to find herself in an unfamiliar house but a very familiar world. What will happen. DISCLAIMER: I do not own these characters a...