Chapter 10

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 Kaylee POV

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Police cars, my mothers car, another car. My parents, Joel's parents, police and medics ran towards us, and all I know is that I started crying, and I felt my mother wrap around me, my father joining her no more that a second after. My tears were a relief, for I know now that I was safe, and that I was home.

In a blur, I was taken to the hospital. They told me I was in perfect health condition, and that I would be free to go once I answered some questions.

"What happened to you Kaylee?" One police officer asked. She looked at me kindly, trying to make me more comfortable, but it didn't work. What was the truth was unbelievable, and I would not- could not- lie to the police. Lie at all, that is.

"Your not going to believe me. It sounds crazy. And stupid." I looked at her to see if her expression changed, but it didn't. It was sympathetic through and through.

"I will believe you, just tell me. We will work everything out," she said, her smooth voice never faltering.

I took a deep breath, "I woke up in a different house on Sunday, and I was in Paris, with... Ladybug and Cat Noir," I said the last part very slowly, and I don't even know why. I guess my brain was telling me to stop after I had already started. I wish I had been able too, for now the officer looked concerned.

"You woke up in a TV show..." I nodded slowly.

"Are you certain?" I nodded again, faster this time, more confident.

"You think I'm crazy. I am not crazy! I would prove it to you, but I can't!" What I meant by prove was showing the kwami, which I know I could not do.

Then Delphin flew out.

"I am living proof that the miraculous universe is real! You will believe Kaylee now!" Delphin yelled, making the officer stare in awe.

"Delphin no!" I yelled, calling him back to his hiding place. Now my face was apple red.

"What was that?" She asked.

"My Kwami," I said. "It is the being in miraculous that gives powers to their owners, and this one had spawned at the same time I was transported to the world of Miraculous. I know it sounds insane, but you have to believe me. Joel has one too."

The officer stared in awe. "You should stay in the hospital one more day, my dear. I will go inform the doctor."

I lay in the chair defeated. What would they think now? What would happen to Delphin?

I was sent home the next day, which was Thursday. I was told to stay home until next week, and now it was Saturday. I lay in deep thought for while before my tv turned on. On its own. Weird. The show that played was the one that had rocked my whole week. One thing was strange, though. Emma was on the screen. She said my name and Joel's, and told us to go through the screen. I laughed to myself, thinking of how crazy everybody would get when I left again. My parents would be worried, and I would hate to do that to them, so I wrote a note.

Dear Mom and Dad,

Nobody believes what I say about being in the other world. By the time you will have read this, I will have gone through the TV back to that world, where I am needed, and believed. I love you dearly, and I will come back as soon as possible. Until then, I will live with Marinette Dupain-Cheng. You can trust her. Please believe me, you know I wouldn't lie.

With love, Kaylee

Then I put my hand to the screen, and almost screamed when my hand drove through it as if nothing was there. Then the TV expanded, just big enough so I could fit, and I crawled through, back to Miraculous.

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