Kaylee POV
As soon as Marinette left, I ran to find Adrien. I didn't know what I planned to tell him, if anything. I wanted to tell him I knew, but that he didn't have to worry that I knew. I would tell him I knew lots of things, things I could not tell him yet. Then I would go somewhere safe like Marinette told me to do.
I turned a corner, running down hallways randomly until I found Cat Noir. I did find him, though, as Cat Noir, and I yelled for him.
"Cat Noir! I need to tell you something!" This caught his attention immediately.
"What is it?" He sounded alarmed. I had expected some pun or something I guess, but I probably looked too serious to be joked around right now.
When I caught my breath I realized that it might be stupid to say anything at all. This wasn't the right time, nor place, and may only create more confusion. What would I say? I just interrupted a hero from saving someone from an akuma, even if only for a few seconds.
"No. No. Never mind. No."
He gave me a confused look, still so innocent and Adrien like it was hard to understand how nobody in this world figured it out.
Then I went to watch the fight. The Akumatized victim was outside now, and I recognized who it was right away; Alya. She was yelling, "I am Lady WiFi!" and "give me your Miraculous!" I wondered why she would become Lady WiFi again, not someone new, but I would figure that out pretty quick. Ladybug and Cat Noir won the fight faster this time around, with Ladybug not getting paused and Cat Noir not getting locked in a freezer.
"How'd you get here so fast? I've been looking for the fight for a while," Alya whispered.
Wait. Alya.
"It's Lila! Don't pay attention to Lady WiFi! It's Volpina!" I yelled at the top of my lungs to the hero's. Luckily, they heard me, and right after that Volpina jumped down with ten other versions of herself. Ladybug immediately side slashed then with her yo-yo, and only one remained. The one who had been knocked over by the yo-yo. Lila only grinned.
"No. This isn't right. Lila should be furious. She hates Ladybug. Unless..." I looked up and around the lobby. Nothing.
Ladybug proceeded to de-evilize the akuma and undo the damage, but I was still confused. Nothing happened, so I supposed everything was fine.
Before Ladybug de-transformed, Lila appeared behind her, not knowing I was watching. I yelled for ladybug, and she heard me, turning to face Lila just in time. This Lila was furious, and at me. The state she gave me didn't leave my mind for the rest of the day.
Ladybug was able to pin her down and break the object holding the akuma. She de-evil iced it again, and this time Lila really did come back. Ladybug used her yo-yo to get to a safe place to detransform, and was gone. Once she was, Lila came up to me.
"You will regret that." She said.
"I know you are out for Ladybug, Lila. I'm not stupid. Why do you lie, is it because you don't live a good enough life for yourself? Well, deal with it. You've caused to many people trouble and it's not right. Leave me alone, and everyone else alone, or you will be the one left with regret." I glared at her as hard as I have ever glared at anyone, which might not have been that hard, but it was still filled with anger and hatred. I suppose I have accepted that this was a real world. The longer I stayed here, the easier it was to accept it. It made everything easier to know that this was real, and not some trick on my mind that I received through a coma, or being close to death.
Apparently Alya had been at a dentist appointment, which is why she was not at school. A normal thing that is not seen in the show.
Other than the Akuma attack, the rest of the day was normal. As normal as living in a separate world can be.
At Marinette's house I checked on the- my- Kwami. It was still passed out, and I worried it was dead, if that was even possible. I saw it rising and falling with the breaths it was taking, and smiled. It was so cute, and probably the youngest kwami in existence at the moment, assuming it was just born when it was discovered.
I put the miraculous on, the bracelet that would channel the powers of the kwami to me, whenever it would awake and be able to transform me. We were going to meet Adrien, and Marinette wasn't the only one who had to act cool. I had never been one to stutter, but I was still sort of awkward around others. This was worse because I knew things that would turn his world upside down. I had also learned to love all, or at least some, of course, of the characters. It was an awkward situation that I had to share with him eventually. Especially if I was going to be stuck here for a while. Maybe even forever. I shuddered at the thought.
The hang out with Adrien plan had to be canceled because of a photo shoot. Not that surprising, but Marinette was down. That is, until later.
Later that day, I found my phone. It had different contacts, my fake mother and father replacing my real ones, and only Marinette as a separate contact. The only thing that stayed the same were my photos, the only thing I had left of my normal life.
Marinette was still asking about the nick name I called her, and she wanted to know about the show that was this world, so it was what we were doing tonight.
"So, explain the Mari thing." Marinette said.
"In my world, there are nicknames for you guys. Your nick name is Mari." I explained. I shouldn't tell her about fan-fics. That would be awkward, since most fan-fics were about her and Adrien together.
"So, we are very popular in your world?" Marinette asked.
"Yeah. Me and my friends go crazy over this show." I laughed thinking about them, then frowned, knowing that they might be thinking about what happened to me.
"Hey, you will get back to them, don't worry. We will get you back home. I promise." Marinette's words were reassuring. She was the kind of person who's smile lit up rooms. Anyone would be crazy not to like her.
Chloe and Lila were crazy, whether they liked Marinette or not.
"Let me show you my family!" I said.
I pointed to each member in turn. My mother, who was shorter than me, but not able to be considered short. We shared the same deep blue eyes and long brown hair. I had my fathers freckles that speckled my face all over. My dog lay on my lap, with her head looking up at me. Her name was Luci, and she was a German Shepard. I loved that dog.
I was homesick. I had tried to avoid that horrid feeling, but it came anyway. I cried. Not much, but a few tears came, and I could not hold them in. I wiped them away before Marinette could see.
Then I found a fan art of Marinette and I showed it to her. I found multiple screenshots of fan art. She was amazed of the skill, and blushed a little when she saw them.
I was skipping through pictures, Marinette looking over my shoulders, when one with Adrien and Cat Noir showed up. I immediately hid my phone, and Marinette didn't see it.
"What? What was that?" Marinette asked. "Are you hiding something? Why?"
"It would have shown an identity, and I can't let you see. I will, but, when I know that it's okay. That it will be okay."
I showed her more fan art and we eventually went to sleep. I dreamed of my family that entire night, and sometimes my friends would come up in those dreams, but even though the dreams were happy, I still awoke feeling really sad. I missed them more than I could ever imagine.

Worlds Apart A Miraculous Ladybug Story (Completed)
FanficWhat happens when someone from OUR world travels to THEIRS??? This story follows a girl from america who one day wakes up to find herself in an unfamiliar house but a very familiar world. What will happen. DISCLAIMER: I do not own these characters a...