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In honor of the comeback, here's a new story! Enjoy!

No content warnings for this chapter. In case it isn't clear, the six oldest members are vampires and they're the only vampires in the world.

Namjoon doesn't mess up. Okay- maybe he does. Everyone makes mistakes. Errors are inevitable. Of course not everyone accidentally turns someone into a vampire and then proceeds to not notice until said baby-vampire kills fifty people. But everyone makes mistakes. And Namjoon is someone who takes responsibility for his own.

Namjoon has been in Korea for a month. His usual routine is fool proof. He hops around the city he's decide to stay in and feeds as he goes. Discretion is his best ally so he feeds as little as possible for as long as he can. He always stretches his time while in Korea because it's his home and he's nostalgic. Stupid. The more people go missing the more likely it is that someone's going to notice. The more people that have stories about being attacked by a vampire the more likely it is that someone's going to notice. So yes, he's an idiot for staying in one place for so long, but no one can blame him for missing his home. He only gets to visit once every decade or so.

It's early Saturday when he gets a phone call. He's already packing his things, planning to leave Busan tonight, and there are very few people who call him so Namjoon already knows who it might be.

"Hey hyung," Namjoon greets. He holds the phone against his shoulder as he continues to fold his clothes.

"Where are you right now?" Seokjin demands with no preface. Namjoon is used to Seokjin skipping to his point, but the elder sounds serious. He sounds genuinely angry.

"I'm still in Busan. Heading out after the sun goes down. Up to Seoul." Seokjin likes to keep track of Namjoon and the others. They all tell Seokjin what part of the world they're in and when they're leaving. It makes it easier for them. Less of a chance that they'll run into one another or start feeding too close to someone. Keeps the bodies spread out. It's not unusual for Namjoon to have this conversation with his hyung.

Seokjin is the oldest and he takes it upon himself to look after all of them. He's the one who they all go to first. Jimin always calls him the mom of the group. None of them could argue. Likewise, Seokjin is the one who keeps a firm hand on them. They don't need it much anymore, but the eldest hasn't let up on encouraging self-discipline. Namjoon guesses he's going to earful of something.

"Well I hope you enjoyed yourself."

Namjoon frowns at Seokjin's displeased tone. He repositions the phone against his ear. "What do you mean?"

"Have you seen the news? Every front page in Busan is plastered with your escapade from last night. I'll have to keep everyone out of the country for over a year to let this blow over."

"What-" Namjoon knows he was careful. He's always careful. When he's sick of blood bags and actually feeds on humans, he doesn't let any of his victims be found. No one ever sees him. There's no way he got sloppy.

"Twelve bodies in the Seo-gu district, fourteen in Jung-gu, twenty in Dong-gu. Those are only the ones they found. Were you even trying to hide?"

"Hyung-" Namjoon drops his clothes and turns on the news channel. Jin isn't lying. There's dead bodies all over the place. All of them with their throats torn out and empty veins. Undeniably the result of a vampire attack.

"I swear you're trying to get us all found out. You aren't this stupid, Joon-ah. You don't sound like you're in a blood craze yet you act like a wild animal-"

"Hyung it wasn't me!" Namjoon is more confused than angry with his hyung. He knows this wasn't him.

"Don't pull that. It was definitely a vampire and you're the only one in Korea. They may play it as an animal attack but-"

"I'm telling you. Seokjin-hyung, I've been Geumjeong-gu since yesterday. I wasn't that far south last night. I spent last week down there but I moved on."

There's a beat of silence in Seokjin's end of the phone. It's very rare that Jin is ever shocked into silence. He's always got something to say. In fact, Namjoon thinks he can count the number of times he's heard Seokjin go silent on one hand.

"Hyung?" Namjoon tries after a moment. "Why would I lie to you about this?"

"I believe you. That's the problem." Namjoon hears Seokjin sigh as he stands. He can imagine the older vampire rubbing his eyebrows and pacing as he thinks. "This is your mess. You have to clean it up."

"I told you I didn't do this."

"You turned someone, Namjoon!" Seokjin snaps. Namjoon's eyes widen as he looks at the tv. It makes sense and that scares him. "This is a killing spree of a new vampire. Someone killed almost fifty people and they're threatening the rest of our secrecy so now you have to fix it before someone else catches on."

"I-" Namjoon doesn't know what to say. He's never turned someone before. In fact, it's been eight hundred years since there's been a new vampire. It just doesn't happen that often. Vampire bites kill almost everyone, and since the invention of blood bags they've started to bite fewer people. In all of vampire history — over three thousand years of existing — there have only been six vampires turned. Now that number has moved up to seven. "I don't know what to do."

"Find them, feed them, and teach them," Seokjin says slowly. "Get them to the other side of the country while your at it. Best if they're not around while the humans look for a serial killer."

"I can't do this by myself. I need you to come help me." Namjoon isn't afraid to ask for Seokjin's help. The eldest vampire has the most experience with all of this. Seokjin guided all of them through their transition into vampirism. They all needed him desperately through every step. Now he's across the world.

"I'm in Italy at the moment." Namjoon curses his luck. He was hoping Seokjin had already made his way to India. "They don't send flights out to Korea very often. The best I can do is head up to France tonight and get a flight to Seoul for Monday. Until then, I'll talk to the others and you will find your fledgling and make sure they don't get us anymore unwanted attention."

Namjoon nods to himself as he processes. There's a new vampire. He has to find them. Simple. How hard can it be?

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