Better Me Than You

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Apparently, the council is not happy about the massacre of witches Jungkook is responsible for. All witches are apart of the supernatural community, thus a fledgling attacking them is cause for disapproval not matter the circumstances.

Most of the council has already left the country, but three members remained in case the vampires became an issue. The witch Zala is the only one Jungkook remembers from the meeting.

He's slightly less nervous this time around. He knows what he's getting into and there will be only be part of the council. Besides, Jungkook believes undoubtedly that his hyungs will defend him.

The Ambrose leader is meant to be there too. Jeohei. Jungkook isn't sure about that. Meeting the man who could've stopped his abduction puts a sour taste in his mouth.

They're meeting with the council somewhere new. A restaurant that Jeohei owns. It's closed today. Not even staff are inside. At least Jungkook doesn't have to worry about being in public.

Seokjin's hunting lessons have been surprisingly successful. There has been only one incident since they started. While that adds another death to Jungkook's conscience, he can control the bloodlust. That what he tells himself as they all enter the restaurant.

Jungkook knows who Jeohei is right away. He doesn't recognize the witch, but his scent is sickeningly familiar. All the witches that kidnapped him had his scent on them. And Jungkook is certain that this man was at the prison, even if he never saw him.

"Hyung," Jungkook murmurs to Seokjin. The eldest and youngest vampires are behind the others and out of earshot of the council. "Jeohei lied to you. He was there. His scent was all over the prison."

Seokjin hums in acknowledgment. No one else in the room acknowledges their whispered words. Jungkook sees something wash over Seokjin's eyes. Desire for revenge? Or maybe protectiveness? Either way, it scares Jungkook.

"Lovely to see you again," Jimin says as greeting to the council. He ignores Jeohei completely. Surely the other vampires heard Jungkook's words. It's hard for them to miss anything. That means they're waiting for what Seokjin will do first.

The council members are sat at a large circular table. The vampires wait for Seokjin to sit first before doing the same. The eldest is directly across from Jeohei. The two make eye contact. While Seokjin doesn't reveal anything in his expression, Jeohei shifts under his gaze. As if he knows that Seokjin knows.

"We all know why we're here," Zala begins. The two other council members seem content with her leading. "We've heard from of the story from Jeohei's perspective, but I think your point of view is needed as well."

"I don't think Jeohei is a very reliable source," Taehyung says. Eyes turn to him. "Since he wasn't there of course."

Hoseok clears his throat to steal attention. "Jungkook and I were targeted by witches. They followed us, subdued me, and drugged Jungkook. They held him captive with the intent to experiment on him. He managed to get out."

Jungkook tries to catch sight of Hoseok's hands. He knows they're fully healed, yet he still want to reassure himself that his hyung is okay. He needs to see it. Hoseok half smiles in the fledgling's direction. Jungkook breaths in. Hoseok is okay.

"And slaughtering the witches?" the male council member asks.

"Surely I don't have to explain what self defense is," Hoseok says.

"Starving a fledgling leads to uncontrollable blood lust," Yoongi adds. "We're lucky Jungkook only killed the people inside the building."

Jeohei scoffs to himself. The vampires hear it clearly. "He had no justification to kill my witches. It's not as if his life was in danger. Maybe it would be best to split you all up again. You think too highly of yourselves united."

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