In the Holly Hills

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"There are no good guys or bad guys."

Jungkook cranes his neck to look at Taehyung. They're sitting in the back seat of the van on the way home. Jungkook is laying across Taehyung and Jimin's laps. Very unsafe, but he doesn't care much right now. He's safe mentally.

"What do you mean?" Jungkook asks.

"I mean- it's like with history. It changes depending on who wins and who loses. The winners always look like the good guys, even if they committed war crimes. They're actions are only justified because they won, but they'd be considered horrible if they lost. Some lines can be crossed by certain people, during certain times. That goes for everyone," Taehyung explains. "The real world isn't black and white it's just gray."

"Yeah I know," Jungkook sighs. "It's just hard when it's yourself."

"Do I need fight the voice in your head?" Jimin asks. He taps Jungkook on the forehead with more violence than necessary. "I will."

Jungkook only laughs. He feels better now that he's distances himself from the crowds and the noise. He's decided that he trusts his hyungs more than anyone else. So he doesn't care about what everyone else says, even if they're right in some way.

If Jungkook's hyungs say he isn't a monster, then he believes them. He just has to remember to live up to their expectations of humanity. The guilt will swallow him whole otherwise.

"Thanks for making me feel better," Jungkook says. His stomach is full after having raided the cooler under his seat, but his energy is still drained after two mental breakdowns. His hyungs understand.

"Jimin's good at that." Taehyung smiles at Jimin fondly.

"Thank you Taetae." Jimin quickly accepts the compliment. "But you're better at it. Always have been."

"Will you tell me how you guys met?" Jungkook asks. "That'll distract me until we get home."

Jimin and Taehyung turn their bright smiles toward Jungkook. They both emit so much light around each other, Jungkook's not surprised they call each other soul mates.


Goryeo (Modern day Korea) Appx 820 years ago.

Taehyung is stupid. So unbelievably stupid. He only had one job today. Stay inside. That's all he had to do. The coven is going to be a mess today and Taehyung had been ordered to stay put for his own protection. He's only human after all. The only human in the entire coven.

There are going to be supernaturals of all kinds here. The coven is located in a gorgeous part of the country with hills rolling for miles. It's a perfect spot to live in Taehyung's opinion. Of course people are going to come visit. That's partially why the coven's market is so popular. They grow and sell many rare plants to witchcraft users in the country. The solar equinox is only a week away, so they're bound to be busy.

Which leads to why Taehyung is stupid. He's not supposed to go out around this time of year. Too many strangers with dangerous magic. Taehyung's defenseless against that stuff. But Taehyung is an adult and he decided not to listen this year.

He's carrying a large basket full of camphor seeds which had taken all day to pick. The sun is setting now, which is his first clue that he's a colossal dumbass. He's never supposed to be out at night. His second clue hits him head on. Literally. He runs full speed into someone's chest and the basket slips out of his hands and he lands on his ass in the middle of the busy market.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

Taehyung peers up at whoever he ran into, expecting to get an earful later for disrespecting customers and losing his harvest and being out when he's not supposed to. But... he looks up. The man is beautiful. And he's holding Taehyung's basket in his hands.

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