Doing the Most

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Jungkook throws his earplugs in the bathroom sink and grips the counter top. It's a private bathroom so at least he's alone. The bustling sound of the convention is still unbearably loud. Even with his earplugs in, he couldn't stop the pounding in his head.

It's too much. The noises, the smells, his senses are turned up to the max.

Jungkook curses at himself. He can't do this right now. Not today. His hyungs have enough going on. Jungkook can't worry them. His oversensitivity should be better now. He's been a vampire for... how long has it been? It feels like it's been years. That can't be right. It's been two months. Three?

Jungkook ran off because he was upset, but now his body is melting. Power is burning through him and he can't stop it. He's lost all control.

"Kook?" Someone knocks on the door.

Jungkook opens his eyes. Namjoon's voice. His body feels stiff as he moves to unlock the door. It opens slowly and Namjoon steps through worriedly.

Namjoon doesn't say anything. He just pulls Jungkook against his chest and holds him there. Jungkook sighs. Namjoon is solid. Real. Jungkook clings to him. He focuses on the rise and fall of Namjoon's chest. Focuses on the subtle swaying as he tries to calm Jungkook.

Everything else slowly fades. The intensity is more manageable when Jungkook has something to distract him. Namjoon is a good distraction. Jungkook tries to stay grounded.

Jungkook pulls away eventually. He's tired, but he feels better.

"Okay?" Namjoon asks.

Jungkook nods. "Sorry. It was just loud."

"Sensory overload," Namjoon says thoughtfully. He nods to himself. "That happens during panic attacks."

"That wasn't-" Jungkook trails off. Was that a panic attack?

"Do wanna go upstairs? There's a sitting area we can relax in. The windows are thick enough that it won't be too bright."

Jungkook exhales slowly. He's glad he won't have to go back to the auditorium. "Yeah that's sound nice."

Seokjin is worried about Jungkook. He trusts Namjoon of course, but every vampire knows firsthand what panic attacks feel like. They know having space to breath can be vital so they don't seek out the youngest despite their worry.

Instead, the vampires try to focus on babysitting the werewolf pack. There are a few people glaring in their direction, but no one dares approach them. Seokjin doesn't think anyone will. Which means today is going to be boring.

"Hyung," Taehyung says suddenly. They're watching the pack looking over a table of witch-y rocks. "Do you think Kook is okay?"

"I'm sure he'll be okay soon. Worrying won't help him." Seokjin's words are mostly intended to comfort Taehyung. But Taehyung is smart. He's seen enough to know that Seokjin isn't being completely honest. Seokjin sighs. "Kook-ah has been through a lot. He just needs some time. You know how it is."

"Yeah," Taehyung says thoughtfully. Thinking back, he didn't have such a hard time as a fledgling. He had to cope with the instincts of course, but he struggled less with morality. Maybe it's because he knew of vampires before be turned. "I'm worried about what'll happen if he disassociates."

"Joonie-hyung is with him," Jimin reminds Taehyung. "They'll be alright."

"Two o'clock," Yoongi interrupts. "Someone's watching us."

"Everyone's watching us." Jimin doesn't turn to look. None of them do. Just in case Yoongi's right. But Yoongi is always right.

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