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The convention is full of magic.


Still, Jungkook can't keep his jaw off the floor. It's like a cosplay convention but real. Everyone he sees looks or smells inhuman, varying from simple scales or full bodies that could never pass as human. There are displays of witchcraft and ingredients for sale at kiosks. A banner is floating mid air at the entrance announcing the convention itself.

The vampires have already made it through bag check. That experience was full of judging looks and sweet smelling fear. Jungkook retreats from that all by ignoring things. It's easy for him to check out of social interactions. He can pretend he's on the outside looking in without actually being present. Maybe thats why it's so hard for Yoongi to get Jungkook's attention.

Jungkook jumps when he's tapped on the shoulder.

"Kook?" Yoongi says.

"Yeah, sorry, what?"

"I said this is Jackson."

Jungkook turns to look at the werewolf standing in between his hyungs. When had he gotten here? It doesn't matter.

"Oh. Hi," Jungkook forces out. He shrinks in on himself. He forgot why they were here. They're supposed to be protecting this werewolf. 

"Nice to meet you," Jackson says. He smiles to everyone. "My pack is raiding on of the snack tables right now. I told them I'd get you."

Oh god. Jungkook curses at himself. He's going to have to talk to people.

"Sounds like them," Taehyung says under his breath.

Jackson laughs. It's carefree and honest. Jungkook doesn't remember the last time someone laughed like that around them. Everyone is too scared of them.

"Come on." Jackson slaps Namjoon on the shoulder -- another thing that Jungkook hasn't seen anyone else do. "There's a speaker from Seoul Human Relations. They're starting soon."

Hoseok sighs. "I can't believe you dragged us to this."

Jackson laughs again. "I think it's fair. I gave you information. Now you help me avoid repercussions."

Hoseok shakes his head but doesn't argue.

Jungkook holds onto Yoongi's sleeve as Jackson leads them deeper into the convention. There are multiple auditorium entrances with signs and schedules posted on them. Jungkook wonders just how many speeches he'll have to sit through today.

"What are we going to see?" Jungkook asks.

Yoongi glances at him. He almost runs into Taehyung in front of him, so he looks forward instead. "Human Relations. Some humans know about the supernatural community and act to keep it secret from the public. Big cities have their own... departments? People who act as diplomats on the communities behalf. The political relationship between humans and supernaturals is more complicated than it used to be but it's necessary to avoid exposure."

Jungkook nods in understanding. Of course some humans know about supernaturals. It's impossible for the community to be completely hidden from human eyes when technology is advanced.

"Are they with the council?" Jungkook asks.

"No but they're a branch of the council's power," Yoongi explains. He removes Jungkook's hand from his sleeve and intertwines their fingers instead. "The council only deals with extreme situations."

Extreme. Jungkook had been told the international council doesn't hold meetings often. After the incidents int Busan, they came together quickly. Vampires are a big threat to the community. A bigger threat than Jungkook had realized. He sees his hyungs are careful and uninterested in causing conflicts. Maybe others -- people who don't know them -- don't see them the same way.

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