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Hi! The end is here! I had a lot of fun writing this story and I hope you enjoyed reading it as well. I'll probably edit this one before I post it on A03.

Jungkook has never been on a plane before. His hands are clammy against his thighs as he tries to relax. The airport isn't particularly busy. Not like the movie scenes of people shoving someone's shoulder every step as they rush to make their flight. Jungkook can sit in his chair and watch separated from the action itself, like a little bubble of quiet. He tries to avoid dissociating or slipping into a predatory head space. He's just observing.

Yoongi had explained observation as a coping mechanism. It helps with anxiety and panic attacks. Jungkook doesn't ignore his surroundings, he focuses on them. He counts the number of red suitcases. He tries to identify the brand of coffee he smells. He listens to every overhead announcement. It helps him stay present without letting his mind run away from him.

Namjoon has his arm around Jungkook's shoulders. All seven of them are waiting for their own flight. Jungkook is nervous about going out of the country. He doesn't know when he'll be back.

The seven of them have been here for too long. Jungkook's been a vampire for nearly five months now and they've drawn a lot of attention. It's time to move. Nothing new. Except for Jungkook, who has never left country. But at least they'll be together.

The preparation to move was easy enough. Jungkook didn't have a lot of possessions to pack anyway. His hyungs had handled getting him a fake id and passport. They all have countless aliases, but Jungkook only has one.

Lee Minjun. A random name with no traceable connection to Jungkook. Every time Jungkook looks at that name on his ID, he has to stare. It looks wrong, but he feels free to leave his real name behind. Jeon Jungkook disappeared in Busan five months ago and is presumed dead.

Jungkook isn't sure if he minds being legally dead. Being a proper adult member of society was always something he despised. It was a life that seemed too small. Not to say that having a small and content life is a bad thing -- there's no right way to live a life. 

But Jungkook's life was always missing a home. Not a place to call home, but people to call home. He's found those people now.

Namjoon nudges Jungkook with his foot. "You ready?"

Jungkook nods. He'll miss Korea. It's the only home he's ever known. He'll be back someday. And his home isn't so easily defined anymore.

"Yeah," Jungkook says. Their flight number will be announced before long. Then they'll board the plane. And Jungkook might feed off on of his hyungs in the bathroom (not the kind of mile high club he wanted to join, but whatever). Then they'll land in a new country and have to start over.

Starting over sounds good. Jungkook can do it as many times as he wants. That's one of the good things about immortality.

Jungkook hopes he's never too happy. Otherwise, being forced to start over will feel like a curse instead. He hopes he never falls in love with a human. He hopes he loves no place on earth too dearly. He hopes he doesn't get a song stuck in his head for a hundred years. Foolish wishes, maybe. Jungkook doesn't want to hurt, but he knows he will. He'll do stupid things, like fall in love and grow attached to mortal things. He'll be hurt over and over again, because that's what it is to live.

But he's ready.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2020 ⏰

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