Sea Salt and Blood

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Silla (Modern Day Korea) Appx. 1,300 years ago

Jimin lives a simple live. He makes his living selling fish to the markets. It's not a bad business to be in. He gets to spend all day on the sea, singing as he casts nets. He always ends the day as a richer man.

No one would believe Jimin if he told them why he's such a good fisherman. They wouldn't believe that he offers jewelry to mermaids in return for guiding the fish towards his nets. And sometimes they ask him to teach him new songs from the mainland in exchange for shells.

Jimin first saw mermaids when he was a child. They were gorgeous creatures with sharp eyes are dark flowing hair. His first instinct was to offer them the sugar cane stalk he'd been chewing on. Since then, they'd shared a mutually beneficial relationship.

The supernatural is nothing new to Jimin. But this. This is new.

He'd just tied his boat to the pier as the sun was setting. Then there was a scream near the docks. Jimin had dropped his nets and ran towards the sound. Boat accidents weren't uncommon, especially after dark. He hadn't expected to come across this.

There was a man being... attacked? Jimin wasn't sure what he was seeing. A man's face was buried in a fisherman's throat and- is that blood? That's definitely blood.

Jimin is frozen on the spot. 

The attack looks his direction. Shit. Both Jimin and the attacker share a moment of panic.

Jimin should run. Or he should help. Can he help? He doesn't get time to think about it.

The attacker is suddenly lunging towards Jimin. Jimin's back hits the dock hard. His breath leaves his lungs with a painfully forced exhale. Jimin tries to kick out, tries to shove off the man or monster above him, but it does nothing.

There's a sharp blinding pain in his neck.

Jimin dies looking up at the sky.


Jimin wakes up on a sandy shore. He inhales sharply and tries to sit up confused. Everything hurts like the time he accidentally fell asleep in the sun and woke to the worst sunburn of his life. How long has he been laying here? The sun is barely over the horizon. There's no way he got a burn from just the sunrise right? Fuck why is it so bright?

Sitting up is harder than it should be. Jimin swallows down the dizziness and crawls away from the water. He needs to get out of the sun. He's probably dehydrated is all. Why is he on the beach?

Right. He saw something he wasn't supposed to. Jimin stills. Did he see someone die? His hand clamps the side of his neck. He doesn't feel anything, but he remembers pain. His arm gives out and he collapses in the sand. Shit. What happened to him?

Jimin tries breathing again. He's okay. He just needs to get to town and tell someone. Needs to find the other victim and see if he's alive. He needs... He needs whatever that smell is.

Something with a magnificent scent is wafting towards Jimin. His mouth is watering instantly.

Jimin gets to his feet shakily and tries to move down the beach. He stumbles every few feet and his skin burns, but it doesn't even matter. Somehow, he knows it'll be better if he can get to the source of that smell. He growls low in his throat.

Someone else is laying on the beach. Jimin doesn't realize who it is until he gets closer. The man who was attacked last night. His throat is ripped open but there's not a ton of blood. The body was left here, or maybe washed up here. Did this victim and Jimin share the same fate?

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