High, I Mean Hi

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The vampires collectively own a home in Ilsan that they use while in Korea. As far as humans are concerned, the home belongs to the secretive third generation of the Kim family. Namjoon had visited Busan first simply because he wanted to be near the ocean. He isn't sure if he regrets his decision or not.

Namjoon thinks that he should've warned Jungkook that Taehyung was easily excitable. In the eight hundred years that Namjoon has known Taehyung, the younger vampire has been wild in every sense of the word. Taehyung is someone who appreciates the simple things in life, so when big things happen he of course gets worked up. It was especially apparent when he had first turned. He clung to his sire, Jimin, during the day and during the night he'd hit the city like a hurricane.

Namjoon expects that Taehyung will be a little enthusiastic about meeting Jungkook. After all, Taehyung has never met a new vampire before. Taehyung also gets a new immortal to make friends with. Of course that will be exciting for him.

Taehyung opens the door, throws his arms around Namjoon, and squeezes him tight. He doesn't say anything. Doesn't need to. His hands runs over the expanse of Namjoon's back and smooth down his hair. He slowly pulls back and looks over Jungkook.

"Jin-hyung's flight doesn't land for another nine hours," Taehyung says. "Yoongi-hyung's got ten. Until then it's just us. Jiminie and Hoseok-hyung can't get in until tomorrow."

"Why didn't hyung tell me himself?" Namjoon asks.

"He figured you were-" Taehyung's eyes flick to Jungkook, "busy."

"Right." Namjoon looks to the newest vampire. "Jungkook this is Taehyung, the previously youngest vampire. Taehyung, Jungkook."

"Hi," Jungkook says. He seems shy or maybe overwhelmed in the presence of another vampire. They can sense each others power in a way that can be intimidating for fledglings.

"I'm giving you the house tour," Taehyung announces with a clap of his hands. Jungkook glances back at Namjoon before agreeing. Taehyung remembers being just as dependent on his sire when he turned.

"I'll let you get to know each other," Namjoon says. He places a calming hand on Jungkook's shoulder. "I'll set up Jungkook's room."

Namjoon steps inside fully and closes the door behind them. Namjoon takes Jungkook's bag. Jungkook swallows, wondering when he'll step outside again. He doubts it'll be anytime soon.

"Come on." Taehyung waves his hand. "The library is where all the fun is."

Jungkook peaks around. To the left is a living room. To the right a kitchen. Both of them look more expensive than Jungkook's college tuition. Namjoon heads up the stair case directly across from the front door. Meanwhile, Taehyung leads Jungkook down the hall alongside the kitchen towards the back of the house.

They push through two white doors and step into the library. Jungkook stares with wide eyes. The ceiling is decorated with gold patterns and shelves reach the very top. There's an old writing desk at the front of the room and some sitting chairs in the middle, the shelves lining the sides. Jungkook spins around to take it in. Some of the books look older than he is.

"It's beautiful," Jungkook admits. "I've never been really great at the whole... focusing on studies thing, but even I can appreciate this."

Taehyung chuckles. He runs a finger along the desk. It needs dusting. Nobody has been in the house for two years. There's too many valuables here to hire a cleaning staff. Not monetary valuables of course. Information is the most sought after thing.

"You can help yourself to anything you like." Taehyung crosses his arms over his chest and nods towards the shelves. "There's a lot of history in these books. If you want to know it, it's there."

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