There's Always A Council

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Jungkook is begining to think that vampirism is not something that should be figured out as he goes. He's left the estate for the first time since arriving, accompanying the other six vampires on their way to interrupt the council meeting, and Jungkook doesn't know if he should've come. He can hear everything, is being blinded by the sun, and is being driving insane by the smell of so many humans.

Entering a supernatural club is the most jarring experience however. Everything goes from humans and blood to the immense and suffocating aura of power. Jungkook physically takes a step back before re-centering himself. It's loud and blistering hot. Jungkook wouldn't have come to a place like this even as a human

The council is apparently meeting in the back room. Jungkook had asked why a club of all places. Yoongi had answered that it's hard to find a place for supernaturals to enjoy business and pleasure. Jungkook still doesn't get it, but he decided to not ask again.

"You three stay here," Seokjin says to the three youngest vampires. He hands Jimin something, moving too quickly for Jungkook to see what it is. "Jimin, Taehyung, keep an eye on Jungkook. Jungkook, try not to kill anyone. And all of you, stay out of trouble."

"Why are we getting benched?" Taehyung asks.

"You know how pissy they get when we're all in the same country. Let alone the same room. It may be best if they don't know we're all here," Hoseok answers. "Besides, it's too soon to put Jungkook through all their shit. Especially when the council doesn't know he exists yet."

"Thanks," Jungkook says. He really doesn't want to meet the council. "I think the amount of power in that room would be overwhelming anyway."

Seokjin makes a curious sound. "I think your senses are best ones I've seen in a fledgling."

Jungkook makes a confused face as the older four vampires head for the back room. He watches the person guarding the door take one glance at them before stepping aside, a little shaken. They always have that affect on people.

"This might take a while." Taehyung sighs.

"Drinks?" Jimin suggest. Taehyung shakes his head but Jimin still heads for the bar. Taehyung pats Jungkook's back and leads him to an empty booth.

"What did Jin-ssi mean?" Jungkook finally asks. "I thought the... aura thing was part of it all."

"It kind of is." Taehyung shrugs. "We aren't the only ones who can sense when someone isn't human, but I didn't get the hang of it until I was over a century into vampirism. It's like a radar for magic, or whatever you want to call it. It usually takes time to learn how to interpret what you're sensing."

"And the magic or power or whatever, it grows stronger with age?"

"Generally. A lot of mortal creatures either don't have enough power or don't live long enough for the sense to develop. The fact that you can sense it all is proof you're stronger than most."

Jimin suddenly appears and Jungkook jumps a little. He sets two drinks on the table before sliding in next to Taehyung. The oldest of them studies Jungkook for a moment.

"How old do you think I am?" Jimin finally asks. "The first number that comes to your mind?"

"I-um-" Jungkook focuses on the power Jimin omits for a second. "A thousand three hundred and sixty?"

Jimin squints slightly. "Hm."

"Only twenty-three years off," Taehyung mentions. "It's part of the sense thing. You can tell how powerful someone is which depends on how old they are. Most of the time anyway. To someone from the outside, you might seem older than you really are."

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