🌪Last Of Her Kind🌪

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In this AU you are a special species stuck in the human world and bakugou finds you.

Pic of you next to the video above^^

Y.n pov

My pod crashed on earth two mectacts ago. Or what Lizza tells me is two full earth rotations. I have been hiding in an old building for two Mectacts. Without any sustenance or fluids.

"Lizzaa. When can I leave?"

"In approximately two Loctacts. Or, two full earth hours."

"Two loctacts?! I been here long enough! I need interactions."

"Interactions with humans may draw attention to you. Resulting in catastrophic events. You are the last of your species."

"Dumb robot."

"Insults are not very nice."

"I'm going. Are you forgetting I can cloak myself. Blend right in with the humans."

"Cloaking takes up a lot of your energy. You can only maintain a form for put to 9 loctacts for a time."


And I left. I was tired of stupid Lizza bossing me around. Telling me when to acquire REM sleep. You can't expect me to sleep on an empty Pipe. Human equivalent, stomach. I don't understand humans and their weird nature. That's why I want to experience them. Good this lizza and her stupid wheels can't climb stairs.

Right before I left, I took the form of a human, a mix of all the kind I've seen before. I changed my tealish skin to (your skinncolour) managed to shrink my ears and horns just long enough to hide them behind my dead cells. I gave my hollow eyes pupils and (eye colour) irises. I also added the extra bodily part humans used to find aromas.

I was wandering around this big city amazed by everything I saw. Lights, tall buildings. Everything back on Lantia was made from Polpuck slime, that hardened with Vormor breath. Everything seemed to be made of substances foreign to Lantia. The people all looked so strange, many humans had holes in their face, crazy dead cell colours, and crazy articles of clothing.

Many people stared at me, I couldn't decipher wether it was the look of mating season or if it was the look of repulsion. I wandered into a dark area, filled with filth. I didn't like this part of earth.

Some specimen grabbed my arm, shooting pain through my body. "Unhand me." I demanded looking at the scruffy old guy.

"You shouldn't be out here alone pretty lady."

"Let go of me."

"I don't think I will." Then his filthy hand gripped my side harshly.

"I do not mate with filthy men. Let. Me. Go."

He then pulled me close, his grubby dead facial cells tickling my face. Combat mode. I pulled my arm from his grasp and readied to make fist to face contact. But something made the filthy specimen let go of me. A tall male with yellow dead cells and red irises, stood above the cowering filthy specimen. 

"Don't you ever touch someone like that again." He said hatred filling his voice, he then looked at me with pity and sadness. "Are you alright?"

"I am much well. Thank you for your assistance, but I must do of the leaving now."

"Wait, miss."

"I must do of the leaving. Dumb robot will be upset."


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