🎉New Years Special!🎉

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let me just say. I love you all so much, thanks for supporting my story. 

I'm sorry this is late, but I was getting white girl wasted with my friends and my head still hurts. I was already starting my schedule for this year lmao.

It's 2020 omfg! I'm turning 20 this year! Wtf- I'm getting ooolllddddddddddd.   😫😫😫😫 

We're at 10k! Wtf! You guysssss I'm crying! Idk what I'd do without you my lovelies 💖

This stoner/skater/e girl is gonna have to grow uppppp. Soon I won't have time for anime boys and fanfic. 

My schedules is already jammed pack for this year. But I pull all nighters for you guys 💖

Lmao nobody ever reads the authors notes, I'll quit talking.

so. Here is a cute ass story about you and yo mans! Katsuki Bakugou + Y.n L.n = Ship Name (comment y'all names and y'all ship names)


You swayed to the music holding a champagne glass in your hand, your other one in the air. You shut your eyes and whooped, shouting at the d.j to play it louder. You wore a skin tight (red dress for my white cuties. And gold for my black cuties. And I mean skin tone wise.)

It had a small slit on both sides exposing those luscious thighs. You wore knee high heel boots and your hair loose. You were lost in the sea of bodies dancing at the rooftop party, yet you were so alone. You stood out like a rose in a field of daisies.

When the beat dropped, you jumped with the rest of the crowd and continued to lose your body to the music. Bakugou watched you from afar, he had been waiting for the right moment to tell you how he felt. But everytime he seemed to chicken out. Shocking for the the great king explosion murder.

He watched you intently, loving the way you moved and lost yourself to the music. He decided that at midnight, when the ball dropped, he would share a kiss with you. He was going to kiss you.

You were oblivious to his plans and his feelings. If fact you didn't know how you felt, maybe the kiss would awaken your true feelings. You sipped on your drink, your head empty. Nothing else mattered but the music.

When the song finished, you decided to take a break. You saw Bakugou staring at you and decided to say hi. You walked over to the buy dressed in a black button down and black jeans. You flashed him and smile and shouted over the music, "hey Katsuki!"

He gave you a head nod, "y.n."

"Are you ready to get white girl wasted and puke out brains out on New Years?!" You shouted playfully punching his arm.

"Nah, I got something important to do, I should be sober for it."

You hadn't had too much to drink, but you were planning on drinking the night away. There were seldom times a year where you could get absolutely free of judgement. Any other day they would just say you had a problem.

His confidence wavered slightly, what if you were too drunk to even understand him, or what if you puked on him? "Wanna dance?" He asked stepping closer to you.

You grinned at him and grabbed his hand practiccally dragging him to the sea of dancing bodies. You wrapped your arms around his neck and started moving to the music. He wanted no time placing his hands on your wide hips, he smiled down at you softly.

You giggled realizing you abondoned your champagne glass unknowingly. His heart rate sped up faster than Iida could run, your giggles rang through his ear, drowning out the music. Soon the two of you were in sync, and it felt like it was just the two of you. Nobody else at this party mattered.

You glanced at the big clock and saw that it was 20 seconds till New Years. You squealed and clutched his arm, "LOOK ITS ALMOST NEW YEARS!" You said jumping.

He blushed slightly at the feeling of your chest rubbing his arm everytime you jumped. You smiled wildly at the clock as everyone started counting down from 15.

"Y.n! There's something I have to tell you!" He shouted over the out of sync chanting.

You distraction turned to him, still kind of focused on the clock, "sure, what is it?"

"I really really like you, like a lot."

This grabbed your attention, you looked up into his crimson eyes, illuminated by the strobe lights.

"7 6 5 4!,

It became clear, maybe a little clarification was all it took to unlock your feelings. "I really like you too!"

He grinned widely at you, "THREE! TWO! ONEEE!!! HAPPY NEW YEARSSS!!!" He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you into a kiss. You could hear the cheers and the fireworks and firecrackers go off. The beat got louder and you smiled into the kiss.

He was so happy, he finally got the girl he always wanted. And you got the man you deserve, not like your ex josh. 🤢

This was gonna be one hell of a year.

800 words.

That's like minus my authors note at the beginning. 

Happy New Years my lovelies 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

Stay a queen/king, you do you sis!

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