🌻☁️She's Alive☁️🌻

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Your quirk is life force, you can bring life to inanimate objects by breathing on it. Your breath has special toxins that can bring things to life. But you can't kill Things that are already alive. Your quirk forbids you to kill things.

Sometimes you keep flowers in your hair. And sometimes things just grow when you're around.

Ok onto the one shot mate.

You blew onto your pencil and watched it come to life, sprouting little legs and arms. You stifled a giggle as it danced a bit. Then it ran to the edge if your desk and jumped off.

You groaned in annoyance as your pencil ran away. You reluctantly raised your hand to ask for a pencil. Sensei stopped writing on the chalk board, "yes miss l.n."

"I need a pencil."

"Why don't you have a pencil?"

"It ran away." You said sheepishly, earning a few laughs from the class.

"I don't appreciate lies in my-" just then the pencil climbed onto his desk and jumped to the windowsill. He crawled under the crack and jump. You stared shocked as the pencil jumped to his death.

"See!" You said pointing. "Bakugou lend L.n a pencil."

"Why do I gotta give the extra shit?"

"Because you're right in front of her." He growled and turned around to slam a pencil on your desk. You cringed and took the pencil.

You didn't understand why he was so rude, especially to you. He tolerated most people, and was still obnoxious. But with you, he was 10 times more of an asshole. You didn't understand why, but you knew there had to be a reason.

He knew the reason, he had a crush on you. And he was pissed off, he didn't have feelings, and he didn't want them. Not for you, you pissed him off, or maybe it's the fact that he liked you.

He crossed his arms and furrowed his brow. He thought about the flowers in your hair, and your goofy grin. Your e.c eyes that sparkle, and your s.c skin. (Like milky, pale, chocolate, dark, tan.)

You chewed your lip as you stared at the back of his head. His fluffy ash blonde hair stuck up in spikes.

Your class had a some free time. So you took that as some time to train, you really needed to learn how to control the things you brought to life. You took some things you found, like rocks, pencils, notebooks, a tray and a fork.

You sat outside in the grass, Indian style. (Cross cross applesauce.) you laid the things out the things in front of you and scanned over the items. You picked up a rock and breathed on it. I came to life, growing little eyes and legs and arms.

You smiled as it danced around in front of you, "sit." You commanded.

Instead the rock blew a rasberry at you and tried to run away. You groaned and picked it up, its tiny arms and legs squirming. "When I put you down, you're gonna sit." You said more sternly.

You set the rock down and it ran away. You groaned in frustration and fell back on the grass. After a few more tries, everything you brought to life either ran away, or beat you up then ran away.

You were tired of things not listening to you, or bullying you. Bakugou watched you from the bench a couple yards away. He chuckled at your frustration and angst. You were so determined to make those things listened to you, you shut out the world.

He thought your determination was adorable. It only made him drawn to you more. He decided to help you. Yup that's right, the Katuki Bakugou was going to help someone. Because he liked them.

He walked over to you and sat next to you, "you need to be more assertive. You're too soft."

"I'm trying- Bakugou?" You said looking over at him. He picked up another rock and tossed it to you.

You caught it and stared at it, "I don't think I can do this."

"Just fûcking try it you pussy."

You sighed and and blew on the rock, it then came to life. "Be clear, and show dominance in your voice. Command it like you mean it."

You sighed again and set the rock down, "sit." You commanded. The rock stared at you and shook.

"Be assertive."

You rolled your eyes and raised your voice, "sit down, now." The rock stared at you before sitting down, its tiny legs spread out in front of it.

You grinned widely, "I did it! Thanks Bakugou."

"Eh, call me Katsuki."

You stared shocked, "why are you being so nice to me now?"


"You're always a jerk to me."

"No I'm not."

"Yea you are."

"Am not."

"Are too."

"I am not!"

"If you say so, thanks for your help Katsuki." You said before placing a kiss on his cheek and getting up to walk away.

814 words.

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