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Dear lord,

forgive me for my sins. I'm writing smut for 14 year olds. It's probably gonna suck but here ya go.

Based off of this 👇🏽

You were attempting to do your homework, but your mind kept wandering. Your mind kept wandering to the boy in your class. Katsuki Bakugou. The extremely hot hothead. You were sure that you were 100% attracted to him.

You couldn't help but stare, his toned muscles and sharp jawline. You caught him shirtless a number of times and almost lost your cool. No one could know what you dreamt or fantasized about. Your knees turned to jelly and his toned torso clouded your mind. That's all he seemed to do now a days, cloud your mind.

He caught you staring a few times, and gave you his signature smirk. His piercing red eyes would give you a knowing stare. It's like he knew what ran through your mind no matter how hard you tried to compose yourself.

You could feel the heat pooling in your core, your juices leaked out of you showing signs of arousal. You ran your fingers through your hair and slammed your pencil on your desk. You shifted feeling the liquid that had pooled in your underwear. You needed release and you needed it now.

(I literally took a break from this to fangirl over all the cute ass anime guys)

You sat up from your chair and threw yourself back first onto your bed. You hit down on your thumb so hard you threatened to draw blood. Your other hand slithered down your school uniform and slipped between your legs and under your skirt. 

You bit down on your thumb, hoping to contain your sounds, as you didn't want anyone to know about your dirty deeds. Your fingers slipped past your soaked knickers to tease your sopping cunt. You held back a whimper and shut your eyes, the image of him running through.

God even his voice was hot.

You played with your clit at a steady pace, letting out low huffs. You tried to stop yourself from clenching your thighs as you rubbed circles around your clit. You let out a low moan and bit your lip.

His cockiness and arrogance was somehow appealing. His toned muscles and slightly noticeable veins. His abs you just wanted to pepper with hickeys. You knew he was rough, which only turned you on more. The thought of him railing you, making you sore for days.

One of your fingers dived into your entrance, pumping a bit quickly. You slipped in another finger, your pace quickening. Oh how you wanted to leave scratches on his back, how you wanted to be littered with his marks.

"K-katsuki." You mewled

Your eyes rolled back and you arched your back adding a third finger. Your attempt at containing your moans soon became futile. Your whimpers and moans filled your room, you clenched around your fingers feeling your release coming.

You began to scissor, speeding up your pace, stretching yourself out. The familiar feeling in your core only grew, your body grew hotter and you clenched around your fingers once more. You worked magic on yourself, but the additional fantasizing only helped.

Just before you felt your orgasm, you quickened to pace, determined to ride it out.

"Oh my god." You cried out as you felt yourself unravel.

You panted and huffed as you slowly removed your fingers, earning a small whimper. You sighed and lays back on your bed, your mind still running with thoughts of him.

Little did you know, you left your window open, and the boy downstairs heard it all. Even the soft sound of you calling his name. This only confirmed his suspicions, and boy was he ready to make a move.

Your fantasies would come true.

678 words.

3:35 is my fave👇🏽

Watch the edits. I stg I can feel the nosebleed coming on

Ngl I'm guilty of committing the same act I just wrote about. Don't @ me like he could literally step on my neck and spit on me and I would say thank you.

Anwaysssss bye


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