Chapter 5 The Boyfriend

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Devon sat on the front step of the old library and waited.  She realized that she was flying by the seat of her pants, as soon as she had that thought it made her laugh.  That was a saying she would hear her Grandmother say more often then not.  It meant she really didn't know what she was doing.  

"Devon! What in the world are you doing out here?" Sharron had come out the front door with Darrel right behind her.  "Oh I just got here and it is such a beautiful day I thought I would just sit here and get some air before I go back to work." without waiting to see if Sharron actually believed her, Devon stood up and smiled. "You must be the friend I have heard Sharron talk about, it's Darrel isn't it?" she held her hand out to the mysterious stranger.  He stepped forward and grabbed her hand with a firm, dry hand shake. "Why yes my name is Darrel and I sure would like to know what this beautiful woman has been saying about me." he glanced at the tall blonde next to him and gave her an affectionate squeeze.  "Oh all of it has been good but I didn't think we hand any Gods left in this part of the country." "Devon! Now don't you believe her, I don't talk about you like that!"  Sharron's face had turned a bright red which set both Darrel and Devon laughing loudly. "It's okay sweety I know your friend is just having fun.  Now are we still going out for dinner tonight?" his eyes twinkled as he looked into her beautiful face.  "I would swear he actually does like her but this just doesn't add up" Devon thought.  

"Look, while you two love birds talk about your plans I think I will get back to work.  I have a mean and hard driving boss you know." Devon smiled and started to walk through the door.  "Wait a minute!" Darrel said in a loud voice "Did you ask her if she was going to come out with us tonight?" He was obviously looking at Sharron for a positive response. "Well I haven't had... " Sharron started but before she could go any further Devon cut in.  "Wait a minute! You want ME to come along on your date?  No thanks!  It's nice of you to ask but I am no third wheel and besides I'm busy tonight."  Devon didn't like the feeling she was getting and without saying another word she spun around and stepped through the door.

She could hear the two lovers speaking rapidly but decided not to stick around and listen to them.  Within minutes she was in the basement ready to get back to work.  "Something is wrong I can feel it and I sure don't like it." Devon wasn't waiting for a response.  She sat down and pulled open a box.  This one was not much more different then the previous ones.  It had loose papers of every size with little or no importance.  She marked it for the discard pile.  It was the same for the next three but on the fourth she stopped.  It looked like the others until she got close to the bottom.  She held in her hand a box that was erily like the box she found the night before.  Her hands shook with worry that it was going to contain more of the forbidden information she was trying to forget but what should she do about it.

There was nothing she could do about it now so she felt for the difficult little button and found it.  The door opened and inside she found more CD's and a piece of paper with the name "Yudkin 1972 book Pure White and Deadly" on it. Now this captured Devon's attention because it looked as if it belonged with the first box and now she didn't know what to do.  If she keeps this information then she could put her family and friends in danger but if she keeps quiet about what she read last night then the whole world needs to be told.  It was shocking to her that they were all living with an enemy and not even know it.  Is it her duty to tell people so they can make up their own minds.  This just felt too big for her to make the decision on her own and knew there was only one thing she could do, go to her Grandmother.  If anyone had the wisdom to know what she should do then it was her.  "There, that at least was a decision, I'll go to her tonight then we will know what to do."

She felt better and it gave her a renewed energy.  By the time it was her break she had almost completed her task.  There were no more boxes or hints.  Devon had placed the box in her pack and left it sitting against the wall next to her chair. "Devon? Devon are you still mad at me?" Sharron was almost afraid to talk to her friend in case she was still angry. "Why would I be mad at you?" Devon teased "you better have brought some of your famous potatoe salad again" now that was a threat and both women laughed.  "Sorry girlfriend but Darrel finished it off last night and then, uh, this morning but I brought you some of my even more famous apple pie!"  Her friend and boss hardly finished the words and Devon was standing next to her. "Are you ready?" she laughed and they locked their arms together and walked out to the truck.

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