Chapter 11 Greg's Secret

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Greg walked into the quiet office at the same time as most mornings.  He was one of the rare few who actually came in to do work.  The manager of his section came in one day and asked him why he came in so often. "Surley you can get more work done at home then here" he sneered "I really don't think it necessary for you to work here besides you can use the travel time to catch up on some of your work.  I would suggest you take what I say seriously and stay home more often."  He stood with his stern face and stared at Greg, he was obviously waiting for an answer.  He didn't get one.  Greg simply put his bag down and sat at his bare desk.  In the very near future there will be no office and everyone will have to work from home.  The higher ups frowned at those who did not keep with the norm.

This morning Greg was nervous almost scared and thought that he would walk into an office full of Communicators and his nasty boss but and as usual he was one of just a couple of people there.  Greg liked toing to the office because he could have access to all of the originals he needs.  There have been a few times when the information on the computer was different then the original.  When he asked the boss about it his response was simply a shrug with him saying "it's nothing just a copying error" then he dismissed the pesky employee.  To Greg this was not something to shrug off, what else has been put into the system wrong and how could the information get changed.  It is his understanding that each original piece of paper is scanned then downloaded so how could the information not match.  This is what he had been doing when he believes was caught.  He was taking the information home that he believed had been altered.  He was keeping a record of them to see if there happens to be a pattern.  This is what Greg is good at, checking and double checking information seeing patterns where most see nothing.  He had an idea what was truly going on and it scared him.  If he is correct he has stumbled upon a systematic way that alters the truth and turns it into something else.  He still did not have all of his answers and he is determined to figure it out.  There were a few more files he needed to complete before he can be absolutely sure.

Greg was being as brave as he could possibly be and he was so close to finding the secret, when he came to the realization that there was no one he can give the study to.  Certainly not the Communicators, he would disappear along with everyone he loved, including Devon in a heart beat. The conspiracy he uncovered will be buried and never see the light of day.  It would be like he never existed.  This thought made him mad, he intended on making a difference and he did not intend on disappearing at all.

Elise needed to find a way to communicate with the outside world but she knew it was not going to be easy.  There was a guard sitting in a chair outside her room which means she will not be allowed to leave.  She assumed they will try to stop Devon from seeing her as well and that is the part that has her so frightened.  She knows what that child will do and she needed to find a way to stop her.

Her legs were not as strong as they use to be and she was almost blind so this was going to be difficult.  She threw the heavy blankets off of her and slowly swung her legs around to the side of the bed.  Her bed was big and tall as well.  It sat four feet fron the ground with an extra deep mattress.  The drop to the floor was dangerous but she didn't care.  Slowly the old woman lowered her feet untill they touched the cold floor.  She made it!  "Now to get the old legs moving and I can go kick that guys ass!" she mumbled  Her first step was precarious, she had to hang onto the side table to make sure she didn't topple over, then she made the second.  It seemed to take forever but each step got easier. "Hmmm I am going to have to do this more often, I'm getting pretty good at it" she smirked.  Fifteen minutes later she was at the door and now that she made it this far she was wondering what she was going to do so she did the easiest thing, she knocked on the door. 

"Hello, hello out there, hey young man I need to talk to you, please" she stepped back and waited.  Nothing but she was not going to let this deter her.  She grabbed the old cane that had been placed by the door a long time ago and then forgotten.  At least her hands and arms still had plenty of strength in them.  She grabbed the cane, raised it up and brought it down with such force on the door that she was sure she heard it crack!  "Hello young man are you still out there?  I can keep knockiing on the door if you want.  I have nothing better to do so it is up to you."  Elise was enjoying this and had a hard time not laughing.  Sure enough the door handle moved and the door moved into the room slowly.  Elise was standing behind the door as the very young man stepped inside.  He was looking at the other side of the bed when he collapsed on the floor.  "Wow this cane works very well as a hammer" she giggled "think I'm going to keep it.  I guess they didn't see me as much of a threat cause this kid is barely out of school.  Poor kid, he is going to have one very painful headache when he comes to but let's home it is not too soon.  I need time to get ahold of Devon".  She made her way out into the hallway then turned and closed the door behind her.  She noticed a sign on the handle that said "patient is not to be disturbed under any circumstance". "Perfect" she smiled and shuffled down the hall way.

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