Chapter 6 The Spy

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"Yes sir, she is in her house....... no I can't see her, she has all the windows locked and covered." the dark haired, plain looking young man spoke into a head phone.  He listened for a couple of minutes then answered "yes I agree with you, she is either suspicious or she knows we are following her.  No I am certain she did not see us, yes something else has spooked her.  Are you sure she found it?" Again he listened to the mysterious person on the other end of the phone. "So we are doing this as a precaution then?  If we find out she did take it then what should we do with her?"  He simply listened this time, his eyes widened then he nodded as if the other one could see him.  His name was Agent Argent Tomlinson and this was his first time doing this type of assignment.  He graduated from the extensive training the agency makes them do five years ago.  Since then he has been assigned to look for runners, these are people who run away from debtors prison or once in awhile one of the death wishers who had managed to get away prior to a forced death date.  He didn't like the latter because he always felt sorry for them, they would cry and plead for pity the whole ride back.     Argent came up with an idea to keep him from listening to them and it was simple.  He purchased an antique set of head phones and a CD player.  He would turn it up full blast which drowned out the cries.

Agent Tomlinson knew he would get into a lot of trouble if he was found with these items but he was willing to take that chance, after five years of this he needed something to make it better.  He was young for an agent and found he had to constantly prove himself to everyone in the agency and it was annoying.  When he started he had believed he would be sent to exotic places looking for members of the several world wide gangs.  He had hoped he would bring them in and everyone would slap him on the back and congratulate him.  Best of all he wanted to rescue the children of the elite who are kidnapped by these gangs and almost always found dead after the money is paid.  They were so  little and innocent and didn't deserve what happens to them.

Unfortunately he had become disillusioned with the agency and the work they do.  If you wanted to get a higher position then you must have a political ally or lots of money.  It didn't matter how good you were at your job.  It was the same if you requested a transfer to another department or district, money and politics.  There were many good agents nearing retirement age that have never moved from the entry position they had when they started.  Argent was now regretting his decision.

He took a deep breath, picked up his binoculars and went back to work watching the attractive young woman in her little house. He had a fleeting thought that perhaps she didn't deserve what was coming and wish he could save her.


Devon had let her tea go cold.  She did not put the papers from the first box down until she had finished reading them but in order to find out what is on the CD's she needed to find an old player so she can play them and find out what secrets they held.  She picked up her cup and put it to her dry lips. "Yuck!" she cried "that's disgusting, cold tea!"  Devon placed the cup down next to the small clock when she jumped up, "Oh my goodness I'm late!  Grandma is going to be so upset!" She grabbed the papers spread out on the bed and threw them back in the box.  She covered them both and hid them like she did last time.  The dogs were watching her and wanted to know what was going on.  "Boys, I'm sorry but I have to go and see Grandma.  You be good and I will take you out for a walk when I get home.  Tiberious, Tasselhoff, PROTECT!" The dogs ran to the front door and stood with an alert posture.  Devon felt secure then closed the door behind her and locked it. She knew the files were safe because her dogs had been trained to protect whatever she told them to.  They would kill if something threatened what they were told to do.

Argent sat up straight in his darkened car and watched the suspect leave her hous and quickly walk down the road.  He started the car up and silently pulled out.  Agent's cars are made to be more silent then the regular air vehicles.  This way they can follow suspects without them knowing and tonight was no different.  Devon had gone to the bus stop and was nervoulsy waiting.  Argent sat in his car and watched her with great interest .  He had sucked in his breath when he saw her. Her hair was long and loose which gracefully moved in the breeze.  "God she is beautiful" he whispered.  The bus finally came and she got in.  The ride only lasted fifteen minutes where she got out and walked towards a huge building.  The sign at the front door read Facility 1A, "now who are you visiting in there?" he asked

Agent Argent parked his car and followed her to the front door.  It was a large very impressive foyer which opened into an equally nice room.  The handsome agent stepped inside and looked around, "this is one nice looking Facility" he mused.  His plan was to stand near the door and watch to see if he could find out why the suspect was here.  The room was furnished with some of the best furniture he had ever seen.  There were several long couches covered in beautiful muted flowers and large over stuffed, soft leather reading chairs.  The windows were unusually large and framed in a rich embroidered green and gold material. The floors had a richness that you could only find in well taken care of wood that was used to being polished every week. "I wonder who that young lady would know to get someone in here.  Only those with pull would be able to do that" he mused.

From behind him he felt a tap on the shoulder then a small high pitched voice said "Excuse me but can I help you?  This is a private Facility, are you looking for someone?"  He turned to face a smal,l middle aged woman with dirty blonde hair and a slight flush on her plain face." Oh sorry" he sounded genuine "I just came in to look around for my great Aunt, she is coming close to her time and I thought I would check this place out, if that is alright with you of course? I'm not breaking any rules I hope" he gave his most handsome smile. "Oh no that is perfectly fine" she smiled and the blush on her face deepened.  "You wouldn't be available to  possibly show me around would you?" he looked at her name badge, " Oh I shouldn't have asked you to do that Alice, you are probably so busy and I am sure I can show myself around." then he waited, bait was set now lets see if it is taken. Alice giggled and said she would be more than be pleased to show  him around if he didn't mind coming over to the office so she could sign out.  It just happened to be her quitting time.

Argent needed to find out who Devon Roblinson had come to see and it seems he had extraordinary luck because he found the best way to do that.  The two walked across the hall to the general office. "I have the keys so why don't you come in with me and have a seat.  I will just go and get changed then sign out and we can get to the tour." Alice was very pleased with herself and hoped this meant she will be having dinner out tonight with an extraordinarily handsome man.

The office was made of large windows that allowed the staff to simply look out and see it anyone needed help, they went from the front corner all the way down the hall.  Alice led the way through the door and headed for the back of the office. "Why don't you sit in the chair by my desk, I won't be very long."  This was the opportunity that Argent had been waiting for.  He quietly turned and found what he needed almost immediately.  Everyone that comes for a visit must sign the guest sheet and who it is they came to see.  He searched through the rows of names and finally found it Devon Roblinson came to see Elise Roblinson relationship Grandmother.  "Elise Roblinson, how do I know that name" he thought.  He looked through a week's worth of sign ins and found that she came everyday to see her loved one.  "She is very dedicated ..... I like that!"

Alice finally came out from the back, it was obvious that she had primped herself up but when she started to explain why she was a little late, there was noone there.  Poor Alice was left standing alone and the look on her face was complete devestation. 

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