Chapter 16 Greg Knows

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Elise was sitting on the large comfortable chair in the familiar livingroom.  Devon brought in a large tray with a fresh pot of tea and three cups.  She even included some freshly baked cinamon buns.  "Please take a bun the two of you, you look so tired and hungry" she handed the ladies a hot tea and held out the plate with the food.  Both women gladly took the offerings and enjoyed a deep sip of the hot tea.  "Oh my goodness it has been years since I have had a cup of tea like this, where in the world did you get it my dear?" Julie felt that the run for freedom was well worth it just to have the rare drink.  "That's a family secret" and she smiled.  "Do you want to introduce your friend to me Grandmother?"  Devon asked "Oh I'm sorry dear, I forgot.  It's just that I'm very tired and we are on the run.  This is my dear friend Julie and she helped me to escape but dear I really am very very tired and I think I must lay down..... please"  Elise looked like she was ready to pass out which alarmed Devon.  "Oh my goodness! Of course, here I'll help you.  You can get into my bed and rest all you need to."  Elise was far to exhausted to argue with her Granddaughter, she could feel a familiar tightness in her chest but choose to not tell anyone. 

Five minutes later Devon came back into the livingroom and told Julie that the old woman was already asleep. "Now perhaps you can tell me what is going on" she asked the other old woman.  "Well I can't tell you too much because I just happened to get involved this morning.  From what Elise told me she was under a "no contact" order and we all know what that really means, right?" "Actually, no I don't can you please explain it for me?" Devon was getting concerned.  Had the troubles started already?  This was much too fast, how could they have found out so much and so fast?  "If someone is in trouble or at least causing trouble for the higher ups at the Facility then they are put under the no contact order.  They are locked in their rooms with no communication and a guard is placed outside the door.  The family is told the person is too ill  to see or some king of excuse like that.  Then one day the guard is gone and the door is left open.  All of the persons personal items are gone and the room is stripped bare and cleaned for the next occupant.  No one is allowed to mention the missing person for fear the same thing will happen to them.  I didn't know that had happened to your Grandmother until I saw her walking down the hallway.  She begged me to help her get some money and a micro vid screen but I decided to tag along with her.  She needed help and I get bored easily so hey, why not?" she shrugged her small shoulders and took a bite out of the delicious dessert.

Devon stared at the older woman sitting on her couch with a new respect.  This woman was a complete stranger to her yet she put her life in danger and jumped up to help the most important person in Devon's life.  The younger woman stood up and walked over to the older friend then threw her arms around her.  "Thank you so much Julie, you have no idea what a wonderful thing you have done and I will never be able to repay you."  Devon started to sob "Oh now dear don't go on so about it, and I know how you can repay me?" Julie had a twinkle in her eye when Devon stepped back and looked at her with curiosity. "You can tell me where you get this tea and we will call everything even.  What do you say?"  Both women smiled at each other and laughed.

A couple of hours later Devon had the table set and dinner just about ready to bring out when the door opened and Greg stepped in.  The dogs finally left Julie's side and ran to the familiar man.  "Hey there boys, are you ready for your walk?" he gave each one a gentle pat on their heads.  Both dogs ran over to the hanger and grabbed their leashes. "Uh Greg?" Devon spoke.  Greg looked up at her "I would like you to meet a dear friend of mine" she gestured to the older woman sitting on the couch.  Greg looked over and noticed her for the first time. " This is Julie" she hesitated for a moment while he extended his hand to the stranger. "Hi Julie and welcome to our home".  "Greg, Grandma is sleeping in my bedroom." Greg straightened up when he heard the information and looked directly at Devon.  There was no need to say anything because they both knew each other well enough to know when to ask questions and when not to.  She will tell him when she thinks it is time for him to know and that has always been good enough for the two of them.  "Did I smell dinner cooking?" he casually asked.  "It will be on the table when you get back." Devon smiled in relief. "Come on boys, lets not let dinner get cold.  The sooner we get out there the sooner we will get something good to eat at least that's what the smell tells me."  The dogs were clawing at the front door to get out for that coveted walk.  In a split second all three of them were gone.

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