Chapter 21 The Movement

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Elise sat with a very tired Greg at the clean kitchen table.  The sun was out and they could hear birds singing just outside the door.  Julie wanted fresh air and asked if she could take the dogs out for a walk but Greg was worried that she may be attacked.  "I don't think you have to worry too much about that dear not after what Devon told us happened to the last agent" she started to chuckle "besides, haven't you noticed a group of very protective girls walking up and down the street for the past two days?"  She gave the command for the dogs to grab their leashes then stepped out into the warm morning air.  "How do you think Dev is doing Elise?" Greg asked.  He had his arms stretched out in front of him with his head hung down low.  "Don't worry my boy," she answered "she is a very strong  young woman and I think you will be surprised how fast she is going to be up and at them.  However," she hesitated "I would watch out if I were you cause when she realizes what these bastards did then she is going to be spittin mad!"  Elise had a kind and wonderful smile on her face.  Greg watched her carefully to see if he could detect a lie from the old woman.  He figured she might say anythng to try to make him feel better but watching her he believed she really meant what she said.  He did feel a little better and sat up a little straighter.

There was a light knock at the door, the two odd warriors looked at each other with an unspoken question.  "Is it one of them?"  Greg got up and walked to the door and looked out.  Without saying anything he opened the door and smiled.  "Hello sir, we uh, we heard our friend got hurt and we, well we just wanted to see if there is something, anything we can do."  two of the teen gang were standing at the front door.  Greg smiled at them and pushed the door wide open.

"Oh come in, come in my dears!" Elise gave a yell of surprise.  "We heard all about what you kids did and would like to thank you myself!"  she got up and held her hand out to the surprise of the young women.  They stepped in and gladly shook the old woman's hand but they were not able to stop staring at her.  They had never seen so many wrinkles in their lives! "Are you her great great great Grandma or something?" one of them asked Elise gave a small laugh and said "yes dears, something like that."  "Wow, your like the oldest person in the whole world right?  Heyyyy wait a minute!  I read about you!  Youre famous or something, I read about you on my vid screen.  Wow! Just wait till I tell the other girls about this!"  Elise simply smiled and motioned for the girl's to have a seat in the living room.

"This is a real nice house" said the other girl as the two checked out everything within their vision. "My name is Kat and this is Pet" she said  "we were hoping we might see Devon so we can give her a report."  "A report" Greg asked "Yeah you know, like a spy when they have to give a report about the things they have seen or found out.  We have a report but we can only give it to her."  the two girls had stubborn looks on their faces and it was apparent they were not going to tell anyone what they know.  "Now hear this .....!" "Greg it is alright, show the girl's into Devon's room please.  I believe she would really like to get her "report"" Greg stared at the old woman in disbelief.  What was she up to?  Surely to goodness she didn't really think that Devon was well enough for visitors?  Greg had to keep his thoughts to himself for Devon's sake.

He took Kat and Pet down the hall and gently knocked on the door.  He knew Dev could not say anything but he needed to show her respect by not walking into her room without being announced.  He opened the door slowly then quickly.  Greg could not believe what he say.  Devon was sitting up with her back against the head board.  He smiled at her and made a formal announcement as if to a queen.  "Devon!  Two of your subjects have come to give you an important report on spy business.  It is your humble followers Kat and Pet".  He bowed with a flourish of his arm then stepped aside for the girl's to walk in.  Elise was standing behind them and broke out in laughter.  The girls tumbled in and practically fell over each other to see who was going to be closest to their friend.  Greg turned to leave but not before Elise gave him a loving slap on his backside.  "Heyyyy watch it old lady!" he laughed and walked away.

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