chapter three ♛

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we've been at this party for about an hour, and i was drunk, so was my group.

i was in the bathroom, cause my head was spinning just a little too much. but someone knocked.

"occupied!" i giggled.

"aliyah, are you okay?" it was alvaro.

"yeah alvaro, i'm chillinn" i said through the door.

"okay kairi is looking for you" he said and i got up and opened the door.

"why?" i asked. i've been avoiding him.

"i don't know lia, maybe the giant hickeys on your neck." alvaro said looking closely at my neck.

"who are they from." he squishier his face and touched on before i covered my neck and gave him a glare.

"you don't know him." i said and pushed past alvaro, in search of alejandro.

he was playing beer pong with mattia, kairi, and natalie. i could tell he was really drunk.

"alejandro!" i yelled and walked up to him. without thinking.

"bro are you deadass right now." kairi laughed.

"him? you're fucking him?" my brother laughed again.

"bro what are you talking about" alejandro tried to play it cool, he knew i didn't want kai knowing.

"oh yeah, but you guys smoked together before this correct?" mattia smirked at us.

"and who are the hickeys from then. oh right, alejandro." mattia laughed.

kairi didn't look happy.
"aliyah come here." he said and i walked over to him.

"you can't fuck my friends."
"he's my friend too." i said, crossing my arms.
"so you are fucking him." kairi glared at me.
"you're a little late." i laughed.

"how long have you been fucking my sister??" kairi yelled at alejandro. alex just looked at me, he didn't know what to say. thank god nobody else was paying attention.

"freshman year." i laughed. i was really really drunk.

"stop fucking MY friends." kairi said.

"hey hey! he's my friend too. it's not my fault i had to be your twin!" i yelled at him and grabbed alejandros hand and walked outside with him.

"sorry bro, dutie calls" alejandro said to kairi, but kai just laughed.

i opened the door and walked out of the party. the cold air hit me right away.

"alejandro i don't wanna be your girlfriend." i said and say down on the curb.

"baby i didn't ask you to be my girlfriend." he said and sat next to me.

"i just wanted to make sure you knew that i have no interest in you. like at all" i said to him. i could tell i might have hurt his feelings a little, because he didn't have some witty come back.

"i'm sorry i don't mean that." i said, "i'm just really drunk"

"aliyah trust me, i know you have a little bit of interest in me." he laughed, trying to play it off.

"alejandro" i said and looked up at him.

"yes baby."

"can we get married some day, if we're still single by like 27." i asked him.

"sure baby." he said and lifted my chin with one finger, and placed his lips onto mine.

so now all my friends, and my brother, and probably ½ of the school, think i like alejandro.
i woke up in my bed the next morning with a killer headache and not a clue how i got home.

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