chapter five ♛

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i got off of alejandro and layed down next to him and let out a huge sigh.

"you want me to walk you home now?" he looked over at me.

usually he walked me home right after we did it at his house. but something inside me wanted to stay.

"alejandro, can i stay tonight." i said, looking up at him. he threw his head back and bit his lip.

he looked down at my body. i hadn't put any clothes on yet.

"yeah of course babe." he licked his lips. and got up out of bed.

"i'm taking a shower though." he yawned, put underwear on, and started walking out.

"can i come?" i gave puppy dog eyes and he laughed and nodded. i followed him to the bathroom, my smile not leaving my face. for once, i wasn't afraid to be in love.
a couple hours have passed. it was about 10:30 when i got a text from my mom.

mom- where are u?? it's getting late and kairi said he has no clue where you are.
aliyah- we got in a fight and i'm sleeping at natalies tn.
mom- okay, please be safe. i love you
aliyah- love u too.
"who is it? kairi?" alejandro yawned and leaned over to see.

"it's my mom, i told her i'm staying at natalies." i said and he pulled me closer to him. he was only wearing sweatpants and i was only wearing one of his t shirts and my underwear. yet somehow we were so warm together. despite the 40 degree weather outside.
the next morning i woke up with my legs tangled into ale's

"goodmorning mamas" he said in a raspy voice.

"goodmorning" i smiled and cuddled closer to him.

till we heard the front door close and a loud voice shout ,

"ALEJANDRO! were home!"

it was his mom. oh my god.

i shot up out of his bed and looked at him, like what do i do.

"just get in the closet! here, take your stuff" he said handing me my phone and my bag and my clothes. i hurried up and got in his closet, closing the door quietly.

"alejandro!" i heard his little brothers voice from outside his door. i bit my lip so hard so i didn't make any noise.

"yeah come in" i heard alejandro say.

"we came home early so we could go to church here instead of at grandmas!" i heard his brother say excitedly.

oh no. i forgot about church. my mom was gonna start texting me soon. i can't believe i forgot about church.

"um ale?" i heard his brother ask.

"what??" alejandro asked.

"was there a girl here!"

"no what are you talking about, shut up." alejandro whispered to his brother.

"theres a bra right there, do you think i'm an idiot" i almost laughed but i was so scared he'd tell alejandros mom. then my mom would find out. and it'd be a mess.

"dude just get out." alejandro pushed his brother out and shut and locked his door.

"fuck" i heard him say as he opened the closet door.

"hi" i said awkwardly.

"next time take your bra with you" he laughed and gave me a kiss. and started getting his church clothes out.

"how am i gonna get out of here." i asked.

"i'm sure my mom and dad will start getting ready at any minute" he said and breathed out. then he picked my bra up and handed it back to me.

"ale! get ready for church!" alejandros mom knocked on his door and walked away.

he listened to the footsteps of his parents go into their room.

"okay babe you can sneak out now, just be quiet okay? lets go" he said and we tip toed downstairs and he opened the door.

"ALEJANDRO! where are you going?" his mom yelled from upstairs.

"UH just checking the weather so i can pick out my outfit mom!" he yelled back.

"quick thinking." i smiled. he smiled back and shook his head. then he leaned in and kissed me softly.

"see you at church, mi amor" he gave me a look up and down. i felt my face get red but i just rolled my eyes and walked towards my house to get ready.
while i was getting ready, kairi came into my room and sat on my bed.

"i'm sorry about yesterday. i've just been down about alexis for so long but i think she's actually warming up to me. i don't wanna keep secrets with you, whats the point of having a twin if theres secrets." he smiled at me through my mirror.

"yeah, i'm really sorry too. i know i kept a big secret." i looked down.

"since freshman year? like wow that's a huge secret!" he laughed.

"yeah but we were just fuck buddies for so long. but i think i'm in love with him." i groaned.

"follow your heart, aliyah. whatever you think you should do, do it. yolo, am i right" he laughed and came and gave me a hug.

"no more secrets" i held out my pinky, and locked it with his.

"oh and mom said be downstairs in 5. and don't wear heels cause you're not gonna look taller than me in pictures" he rolled his eyes and walked out of my room.

i barley go over his height in heels. i'm really small compared to the other boys. like if you think kairi is small, you should see me next to them.

i put on a pair of boots and made my way outside to the car
after church, me and kairi found mattia, alejandro, and alvaro and planned out what we were gonna do with the rest of our sunday.

"i think i'm gonna go to the mall with natalie." mattia smiled.

"so you really like her?" i asked, excited for my friends.

"yeah i think i do." he laughed and shook his head.

"why don't we all go to the mall!" alvaro smiled.

"i'm down, i just have to get changed. if mattia doesn't care" i shrugged.

"nah it's cool. i'll text you guys?" mattia said and gave all the boys hand shakes and me a hug and walked off to his family.

we all agreed to text eachother when we were ready. and then we parted ways. me and kairi staying together obviously.

"wait up, aliyah!" i heard alejandro say from behind me.

"yeah?" i asked, walking back to him.

"i had a really great time last night, thank you princessa." he smiled at me.

"me too babe" i winked and turned back around to catch up to kairi and my mom and grandma.
chapter five
1127 words

fuck buddies ; alejandro rosarioWhere stories live. Discover now