chapter twenty-eight ♛

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i was currently sitting in alejandros bed with him. we were both a little upset i was leaving for the week, but at least i wasn't moving away.

i felt my phone buzzing in my pocket and realized it was a call from my mom.

"hello ma?" i said through the phone.

"angel, kairi and i are ready can you be on your way."

"already???" i asked, looking at alejandro whos smile quickly faded.

"yes angel. it's only a week, come home." she said before hanging up.

i gave alejandro a kiss and he pulled me into a hug.

"i'll walk you." he said, getting up and helping me up.

we walked out of his house and towards mine. once we arrived, i turned around at the perfect time for him to take a picture.

"wow you're gorgeous." he laughed and pulled me into a hug.

"i love you ale, it's only a week." i said, hugging him back.

"i love you too." he said, he pulled away and placed his lips on mine. they moved in sync for just a few seconds.

"have so much fun, and please call me." he smiled and kissed me again one more time.

"will do." i smiled before walking inside.

i sat down on my bed and looked at all my packed bags on the floor. i took my phone out and saw i had a notification from instagram.


@alejandrosario : when hawaii takes your girl for the week 👎🏼 comments:@aliyahcosentino- ill see you soon baby!!!-a few hours had passed

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@alejandrosario : when hawaii takes your girl for the week 👎🏼
@aliyahcosentino- ill see you soon baby!!!
a few hours had passed. kairi, my mom, and i we're sitting on our plane now. i texted alejandro to tell him we were taking off, but he didn't text back.

i decided to take a nap, but the baby crying behind me stopped me from doing that.

i looked over at my brother. he had his headphones in smiling at his phone.

"texting someone?" i unplugged his headphone and whispered.

"chelsea." he smiled and shook his head.

"since when did you know her?" i asked him.

"well she's new. like she starts in a week. i'm gonna show her around. she's 17.. like she can drive. and she's gorgeous, isn't she?" he went on and on.

"yeah she is really pretty" i smiled back.

we kept talking for awhile, just about life and about stuff we looked up about hawaii.
it was late at night now, about 10:30. but we made it to hawaii, we were just waiting on my dad to pick us up.

alejandro rosario ♡
aliyah- hey! taking off love you
read 12:21 pm
aliyah- hey, just landed. waiting on my dad to pick me up, lol. what should i get to eat?
read 10:32 pm.
i was so confused why alejandro wasn't texting me back, so i called him. it rang, for awhile. then, he actually answered.

"hey aliyah im sleeping."
"well you read my message" i laughed a little.
"sorry but goodnight." he yawned into the phone.
"oh okay goodnight. talk to you tomorrow, love you!" i smiled, slightly.
"yeah love you too, bye." he said before hanging up.

i just decided to let it go, even though it kinda hurt. he was just tired.

slatt gang
mattia- hows hawaii losers
kairi- um. warm i think. we haven't gone outside yet lmao
alvaro- imy guys alr
alejandro- lmao boy said 'warm'
aliyah- hahah
kairi- aliyah r u hungry
mattia- she always hungry
alejandro- nah that's facts
aliyah- don't be rude! anyways yes what r u thinking.
kairi- mc donalds.
aliyah- ok meet me there, are u in the bathroom?
alvaro- yea he is
mattia- how do yk that LMAO
alvaro- snapchat 😍
kairi- i sent him a picture of my shit. alvaro ur weird as hell
alvaro- PiCtUrE mAiL

i started walking to meet kairi at mc donalds. once i saw him, we talked about the groupchat. i told him alejandro told me he was going to bed but kairi said he was playing the game. whatever, i don't care at this point.

i ordered chicken nuggets and fries and sat down with kairi at a little table. my mom soon joined us.

about 10 minutes passed, we ate, and then left. my dad was here to get us.

we walked out of the airport with all of our belongings and made our way to my dads truck. there was a lady in the passengers seat.

"hi guys!" my dad said, giving me and kairi a hug.

"whos that?" i asked him, looking closer at the woman.

"that is kehlani." my dad said, like it was nothing.

"and who is kehlani??" my mom butted in. with that look on her face that she has when she's about to freak the fuck out.

oh no.

"she is... my.. girlfriend." my dad tried to smile, but ended up just giving a worried look, waiting for us to respond.

"girlfriend." my mom said, shocked.

"girlfriend??" me and kairi said at the same time, which after we shamefully had to high-five because we spoke at the same time. it's a twin thing.

"did you drag me all the way out here. to meet your fucking girlfriend??" my mom was raising her voice now, and her faint japanese accent was coming out.

"i wanted to talk to you about that." my dad said, moving closer to my mom. me and kairi just kept giving eachother looks.

"no. that's it. kids, you stay, enjoy hawaii. i'm going home." my mom said, putting her hands up. it was rare for my mom to cry, she always had this strong independent approach.

"mom, i'm coming with you." i said and took her hand. she pulled me into a hug instead.

"have fun angel." my mom said. how could she stand here and not cry, she didn't let anyone break her.

i watched her walk away, after shooting my dad her middle finger and saying 'we'll talk about this later'.

"what the fuck just happened?" kairi and i both said at the same time, and high-fived again.

"i see you guys still do that high-five thing!" my dad smiled.

"yeah whenever we say the same thing." i laughed, trying to hide my hurting for my mom.

"well, let's get going, did you guys eat?" my dad said. how is this happening right now.

"yeah we had mc donalds." kairi said, as him and my dad loaded our things into the back of his truck.
chapter twenty-eight
1084 words
guys does this book suck LMAO. i feel like it sucks.
also i didnt even re read this chapter so if theres mistakes im sorry lol.

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